


Kong is a scalable, open source API Gateway which runs in front of any RESTful API and is extended through Plugins, which provide extra functionality and services beyond the core platform.

The kong-operator automates kong so that your apis will be deployed and secured consistently to avoid human error in configuring kong.


Kong needs a database (postgres or cassandra) to be running and with proper credentials before kong starts. A built-in sample Postgres database deployment is provided to get started quickly, but this can be swapped out based upon configuration.


The operator is built using the controller + third party resource model. Once the controller is deployed to your cluster, it will automatically create the ThirdPartyResource. Next create a Kubernetes object type elasticsearchCluster to deploy the elastic cluster based upon the TPR.


Watch a demo / walkthrough here:

Kong Operator Demo<br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzCXcmaikeg


Use the following spec to customize your Kong cluster:

Deploy sample apps

The example cluster in the ./examples/ directory utilizes some sample apps defined here:

# Go Service
kubectl create ns apps
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stevesloka/microservice-sample/master/k8s/deployment.yaml -n apps
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stevesloka/microservice-sample/master/k8s/service.yaml -n apps


The sample app prints the IP of the pod which the request was handled as well as the time the request was handled:

$ http http://go-microservice.apps:8080                                                                                   [k8s-minikube/ 9:43:09]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 59
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2017 04:48:18 GMT

Request Time: Wed Jun 14 04:48:18 2017

Deploy Operator

Use the following to deploy the operator to your cluster:

$ kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/upmc-enterprises/kong-operator/master/example/operator.yaml

Quick Start

To get started quickly, setup the sample apps defined in previous section as well as deploy the operator to your cluster. Once those pieces are ready, then create the custom kong cluster.

NOTE: The operator needs updated to handle v11 of Kong since now it's required to run migrations as a seperate step.

Deploy sample cluster

After running this create, a Kong cluster will be created and configured automatically. Any request to service-go.k8s.com will route to the k8s service http://go-microservice.apps.svc.cluster.local:8080 inside the apps namespace. In addition the JWT plugin will be enabled forcing authentication and a consumer named slokas will be generated.

$ kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/upmc-enterprises/kong-operator/master/example/example-kong-cluster.json

Create JWT creds

Currently, credentials are not automatically created. In the case of JWT, a token needs to be created to from the creds that Kong generates. There are a number of ways to accomplish this, but one easy way is with this project (https://github.com/stevesloka/jwt-creator). Just pop in the secret and key from Kong and it will generate a sample JWT. After that, send a request to the API passing the token as a header:

$ curl -k -X POST https://kong-admin.default:8444/consumers/slokas/jwt -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

# --- Generate token
$ git clone https://github.com/stevesloka/jwt-creator.git
$ (Update key / secret in code)
$ go run main.go

# --- Make request
$ curl -i https://kong-proxy \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
    -H 'Host: service-go.k8s.com'

Update existing TPR

Changes to an existing TPR can be updated by sending a PUT request to the API server:

$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT --data @example/example-kong-cluster.json

NOTE: Update the namespace above to match your deployment as well as the name of the cluster.

Custom Postgres Database

To use your own Postgres db, just set the option useSamplePostgres=false, then create a secret named kong-postgres and set the following params:

KONG_PG_DATABASEName of database
KONG_PG_HOSTServer host
KONG_PG_PASSWORDPassword for user

Dev locally

Use the following command to run the operator locally:

go run cmd/operator/main.go --kubecfg-file=${HOME}/.kube/config


Built by UPMC Enterprises in Pittsburgh, PA. http://enterprises.upmc.com/