Scala Hyperledger API
Current Status
Preparation to execute Tests Locally
How to use in your own project
Configuration / Initialization
1. Reference Dependencies from Maven in your build.sbt
val hlf_api_version = "0.19.0"
val hlf_api = "de.upb.cs.uc4" % "hlf-api" % hlf_api_version
lazy val yourProject = (project in file(".")).dependencies(hyperledger_api)
2. Import Types from the packages in your code
- the Connections (Class and Trait) you want to access
import de.upb.cs.uc4.hyperledger.connections.cases.ConnectionMatriculation
import de.upb.cs.uc4.hyperledger.connections.traits.ConnectionMatriculationTrait
- the Managers you need service from
import de.upb.cs.uc4.hyperledger.utilities.EnrollmentManager
import de.upb.cs.uc4.hyperledger.utilities.RegistrationManager
Communication with the Network
Any Communication with the Network will happen through our designated interface and methods provided. These Methods can throw different types of Exceptions as described in In General these are
- TransactionException :: you invoked the chaincode/contract in a wrong/invalid manner
- NetworkException :: you could not build a connection to the specified network.
- HyperledgerException :: something unexpected happened with the HLF framework
0. Configure your connection variables (These are used to let the framework know how to access YOUR UC4-hlf-network)
- general information on the network
protected val walletPath: Path = "/hyperledger_assets/wallet/" // the directory containing your certificates.
protected val networkDescriptionPath: Path = Paths.get(sys.env.getOrElse("UC4_CONNECTION_PROFILE", "./hlf-network/assets/connection_profile_kubernetes_local.yaml")) // the file describing the existing network.
protected val channel: String = "mychannel" // name of the shared channel a connection is requested for.
protected val chaincode: String = "uc4-cc" // name of the chaincode a connection is requested for.
- for user-management
protected val tlsCert: Path = "/hyperledger_assets/ca_cert.pem" // CA-certificate to have your client validate that the Server you are talking to is actually the CA.
private val NODE_IP: String = sys.env.getOrElse("UC4_KIND_NODE_IP", "") // Node IP from [test setup](
protected val caURL: String = s"https://$NODE_IP:30907" // "" - address of the CA-server.
protected val username: String = "test-admin" // this should in most cases be the name of the .id file in your wallet directory.
protected val password: String = "test-admin-pw" // a password used to register a user and receive/set a certificate for said user when enrolling.
protected val organisationId: String = "org1MSP" // the id of the organisation the user belongs to. (MSP-ID)
protected val organisationName: String = "org1" // the name of the organisation the user belongs to. (AFFILIATION)
0.5 (optional) Register a user (only possible if you already obtained an admin certificate through the enrollment-process)
val enrollmentId: String = "TestUser123" // new user to be registered.
val adminUserName: String = "test-admin" // current existing adminEntity in our production network.
val organisationName: String = "org1" // current organisation name in our production network.
val maxEnrollments: Integer = 1 // number of times the user can be enrolled/re-enrolled with the same username-password combination (default = 1)
val newUserType: String = HFCAClient.HFCA_TYPE_CLIENT // permission level of the new user (default = HFCAClient.HFCA_TYPE_CLIENT)
val newUserPassword: String = RegistrationManager.register(tlsCert, caURL, newUserName, adminUserName, walletPath, organisationName, maxEnrollments)
1. Enrollment
Any Enrollment "publishes" your newly registered user. It Creates/Signs your Certificate and stores the signedCertificate on the ledger. This user is registered and can now be enrolled with his enrollmentId and enrollmentSecret.
val enrollmentId: String = "TestUser123" // new user to be enrolled
val enrollmentSecret: String = "Test123" // new user password (retrieve from registration-process)
1.1 Basic Enrollment (generates your KeyPair and stores it in your wallet)
This enrollment generates a new KeyPair for the newly enrolled user. This means we need to store the new X509Identity (configured with an organisationId) in a wallet.
EnrollmentManager.enroll(caURL, tlsCert, walletPath, enrollmentId, enrollmentSecret, organisationId, channel, chaincode, networkDescriptionPath)
1.2 Secure Enrollment (Sign your CSR)
To have the enrollment sign your provided Certificate Signing Request, you need to pass said CSR.
val CSR: String = "Some CSR String" // passed "Certificate Signing Request".
To perform a secure enrollment you need an admin identiy executing it.
val adminName: String = "test-admin" // admin identity used to store the signedCertificate on the Ledger.
val adminWalletPath: Path = "/hyperledger_assets/wallet/" // directory containing your admin certificate.
Now the secure enrollment can be preformed.
val signedCertificate: String = EnrollmentManager.enrollSecure(caURL, tlsCert, enrollmentId, enrollmentSecret, adminName, adminWalletPath, channel, chaincode, networkDescriptionPath)
2. Connection Initialization
Simply create an object of the connection for the contract that you want to access and provide the credentials for your username in the given wallet.
val connection: ConnectionMatriculationTrait =
de.upb.cs.uc4.hyperledger.connections.cases.ConnectionMatriculation(username, channel, chaincode, walletPath, networkDescriptionPath)
3. Performing Transactions
try {
val result = connection.addEntryToMatriculationData(matriculationId, fieldOfStudy, semester)
} catch {
case e_t: TransactionException => HandleError(e_t) // The transaction you have called seems to be invalid. Please refer to e_t.payload for a detailed message.
case e_h: HyperledgerInnerException => HandleError(e_h) // something seems to have gone wrong with the framework, please submit a bugReport :)
4. All Connections and Transactions
For more info on our different connections and transactions they offer, please refer to our API definition.