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Kubeshark is an API Traffic Analyzer for Kubernetes providing real-time, protocol-level visibility into Kubernetes’ internal network, capturing and monitoring all traffic and payloads going in, out and across containers, pods, nodes and clusters.

Simple UI

Think TCPDump and Wireshark re-invented for Kubernetes

Getting Started

Download Kubeshark's binary distribution latest release and run following one of these examples:

kubeshark tap
kubeshark tap -n sock-shop "(catalo*|front-end*)"

Running any of the :point_up: above commands will open the Web UI in your browser which streams the traffic in your Kubernetes cluster in real-time.


Homebrew :beer: users install Kubeshark CLI with:

brew install kubeshark


Add the helm repository and install the chart:

helm repo add kubeshark https://helm.kubeshark.co
‍helm install kubeshark kubeshark/kubeshark

Building From Source

Clone this repository and run make command to build it. After the build is complete, the executable can be found at ./bin/kubeshark__.


To learn more, read the documentation.


We :heart: pull requests! See CONTRIBUTING.md for the contribution guide.

Code of Conduct

This project is for everyone. We ask that our users and contributors take a few minutes to review our Code of Conduct.