


photo exif reading lib for actionscript3/flash

How to use this lib to get the photo's orientation: ` import flash.utils.ByteArray; import fox.photo.SimpleExifExtractor; import fox.photo.exif.ifd.IFDValue; import fox.photo.jpeg.Exif;

var orientation:int = -1; var orientationId:int = 274;// in Exif2-2.PDF document, the orientation id is 274 var bytes:ByteArray = PhotoData; var exif:Exif=SimpleExifExtractor.readExif(bytes); var tag:IFDValue=exif.findTagById(orientationId); if (tag) // in certain case, it might don't have orientation infomation. { orientation=parseInt("" + tag.value); } trace('orientation is:'+orientation); `