EmbedIO Extras
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Additional Modules showing how to extend EmbedIO. Feel free to use these modules in your projects.
Bearer Token Module
Provides the ability to authenticate requests via a Bearer Token. This module creates a Token endpoint (at the predefined '/token' path) and all you need to do is provide a user validation delegate which authenticates the user. The module will create a JsonWebToken which can then be used by your client application for further requests. The module can check all incoming requests or a predefined set of paths. The standard header in use is the HTTP Authorization header.
You can easily add Bearer Token to your EmbedIO application using the default Basic Authorization Server Provider or writing your own by implementing IAuthorizationServerProvider
The following example will attach Bearer Token to the Web server in the "/api" base route and then a WebAPI Controller using the same base route.
// Create Webserver and attach the Bearer Token Module
var server = new WebServer(url)
.WithBearerToken("/api", "0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9eyJjbGF")
.WithWebApi("/api", o => o.WithController<SecureController>());
Nuget installation
PM> Install-Package EmbedIO.BearerToken
Json Server Module
Based on the JsonServer's project, with this module, you are able to simply specify a JSON file as a database and use standard REST methods to create, update, retrieve and delete records from it.
// Create Webserver and attach JsonServerModule
var server = new WebServer(url)
.WithModule(new JsonServerModule(jsonPath: Path.Combine(WebRootPath, "database.json");
Supported methods:
collection (http://yourhost/entity
single (http://yourhost/entity/1
where 1 is the ID)POST
with POST body the JSON object)PUT
with POST body the JSON object)DELETE
where 1 is the ID)
LiteLib WebAPI
Similar to Json Server Module, but you can serve an SQLite file with all HTTP verbs using LiteLib library.
// Create Webserver and attach LiteLibModule with a LiteLib DbContext
var server = new WebServer(url)
.WithModule(new LiteLibModule<TestDbContext>(new TestDbContext(), "/dbapi"));
internal class TestDbContext : LiteDbContext
public TestDbContext()
: base("dbase.db")
// Need to Define the tables Create dyanmic types ?
Supported methods:
collection (http://yourhost/entity
single (http://yourhost/entity/1
where 1 is the ID)POST
with POST body the JSON object)PUT
with POST body the JSON object)DELETE
where 1 is the ID)
Markdown Static Module
The Markdown Static Module takes in a static Markdown file and converts it into HTML before returning a response. It will accept markdown/html/htm extensions (This could become middleware later).
// Create Webserver and attach Markdown Static Module
var server = new WebServer(url)
.WithModule(new MarkdownStaticModule("/", WebRootPath));