


Code Climate Issue Count

Some git helper scripts for dealing with repos on bitbucket that were inspired by Peter Hurford's git-it-on.zsh plugin.

Note: This has only been tested on OS X. Support for Linux is present but has not been tested.

The irony that I'm hosting this on Github hasn't escaped me.


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Included Scripts



git-bb-create-pull-request - opens the bitbucket page to create a new PR for the branch you're on.



git-bb-list-pull-requests - opens the bitbucket pull-request page for the repository.



git-bb-open - Opens the current directory (or a path if specified) on bitbucket in the current branch.

git-bb-open path - Opens the specified path on bitbucket in the current branch.



If you're using Antigen:

  1. Add antigen bundle unixorn/bitbucket-git-helpers.plugin.zsh to your .zshrc where you've listed your other plugins.
  2. Close and reopen your Terminal/iTerm window to refresh context and use the plugin. Alternatively, you can run antigen bundle unixorn/bitbucket-git-helpers.plugin.zsh in a running shell to have antigen load the new plugin.


If you're using oh-my-zsh:

  1. In the command line, change to oh-my-zsh's custom plugin directory :

    cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/

  2. Clone the repository into a new bitbucket-git-helpers directory:

    git clone https://github.com/unixorn/bitbucket-git-helpers.plugin.zsh.git bitbucket-git-helpers

  3. Edit your ~/.zshrc and add bitbucket-git-helpers – same as clone directory – to the list of plugins to enable:

    plugins=( ... bitbucket-git-helpers.plugin.zsh )

  4. Then, restart your terminal application to refresh context and use the plugin. Alternatively, you can source your current shell configuration:

    source ~/.zshrc


If you're using zgen:

  1. Add zgen load unixorn/bitbucket-git-helpers.plugin.zsh to your .zshrc along with your other zgen load commands.
  2. rm ${ZGEN_INIT}/init.zsh && zgen save

Manual Installation

Nothing here actually requires you to use ZSH or zgen, that's just a convenient distribution method for anyone using a ZSH framework.

If you aren't using any zsh frameworks, or if you're a bash user, do the following steps:

  1. git clone this repository
  2. Add cloneDirectory/bin to your $PATH.