

firelab (version 0.0.26)


Framework for running DL experiments with pytorch. Provides the following useful stuff:


pip install firelab

Future plans

[ ] Run in daemon. [ ] Implement firelab ls command [ ] Easier profiling (via contexts?) [ ] There are some interseting features in https://github.com/vpj/lab. [ ] Add commit hash to summary [ ] Create new branch/commit for each experiment? [ ] More meaningful error messages. [ ] Does model release GPU after training is finished (when we do not use HPO)? [ ] Proper handling of errors in HPO: should we fail on the first exception? Should we try/catch result.get() in process pool? [x] Make trainers run without config.firelab, this will make it possible to run trainer from python [ ] Does continue_from_iter work?

Useful commands:

Useful classes

Cool staff firelab can do:



Besides your own configs, firelab adds its inner staff, which you can use or change as hyperparameter:

Experiment name determines where config is. Experiment name can't duplicate each other.