

<p align="center" style="text-align: center;"> <img src="https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/yabab/uvue-512.png" alt="UVue" width="128" height="128"> </p> <h1 align="center">UVue</h1> <p align="center">Build universal Vue applications with ease</p>

npm version TravisCI CircleCI AppVeyor

Getting started


vue add @uvue/ssr

This plugins add commands to run or build your application in SSR mode:

Start a development server with HMR

npm run ssr:serve

Build for production

npm run ssr:build

Start in production mode (need a npm run ssr:build before)

npm run ssr:start

Generate a static website

npm run ssr:static

Try to fix code to be SSR compatible

npm run ssr:fix

Try to fix Vuex states to be SSR compatible

npm run ssr:fix-vuex


MIT: see LICENSE file