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Unitdb is blazing fast specialized time-series database for microservices, IoT, and realtime internet connected devices. As Unitdb satisfy the requirements for low latency and binary messaging, it is a perfect time-series database for applications such as internet of things and internet connected devices. The Unitdb Server uses uTP (unit Transport Protocol) for the Client Server messaging. Read uTP Specification.

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About unitdb

Key characteristics

Quick Start

To build Unitdb from source code use go get command.

go get github.com/unit-io/unitdb


Detailed API documentation is available using the go.dev service.

Make use of the client by importing it in your Go client source code. For example,

import "github.com/unit-io/unitdb"

Unitdb supports Get, Put, Delete operations. It also supports encryption, batch operations, and writing to wildcard topics. See usage guide.

Samples are available in the examples directory for reference.


To bring up the Unitdb cluster start 2 or more nodes. For fault tolerance 3 nodes or more are recommended.

> ./bin/unitdb -listen=:6060 -grpc_listen=:6080 -cluster_self=one -db_path=/tmp/unitdb/node1
> ./bin/unitdb -listen=:6061 -grpc_listen=:6081 -cluster_self=two -db_path=/tmp/unitdb/node2

Above example shows each Unitdb node running on the same host, so each node must listen on different ports. This would not be necessary if each node ran on a different host.

Client Libraries

Make use of officially supported client libraries to connect to unitdb server running on single node or running on a cluster.

Architecture Overview

The unitdb engine handles data from the point put request is received through writing data to the physical disk. Data is compressed and encrypted (if encryption is set) then written to a WAL for immediate durability. Entries are written to memdb and become immediately queryable. The memdb entries are periodically written to log files in the form of blocks.

To efficiently compact and store data, the unitdb engine groups entries sequence by topic key, and then orders those sequences by time and each block keep offset of previous block in reverse time order. Index block offset is calculated from entry sequence in the time-window block. Data is read from data block using index entry information and then it un-compresses the data on read (if encryption flag was set then it un-encrypts the data on read).

<p align="left"> <img src="docs/img/architecture-overview.png" /> </p>

Unitdb stores compressed data (live records) in a memdb store. Data records in a memdb are partitioned into (live) time-blocks of configured capacity. New time-blocks are created at ingestion, while old time-blocks are appended to the log files and later sync to the disk store.

When Unitdb receives a put or delete request, it first writes records into tiny-log for recovery. Tiny-logs are added to the log queue to write it to the log file. The tiny-log write is triggered by the time or size of tiny-log incase of backoff due to massive loads.

The tiny-log queue is maintained in memory with a pre-configured size, and during massive loads the memdb backoff process will block the incoming requests from proceeding before the tiny-log queue is cleared by a write operation. After records are appended to the tiny-log, and written to the log files the records are then sync to the disk store using blazing fast block sync technique.

<p align="left"> <img src="docs/img/memdb-upsert.png" /> </p>

Next steps

In the future, we intend to enhance the Unitdb with the following features:


As Unitdb is under active development and at this time Unitdb is not seeking major changes or new features; however, small bugfixes are encouraged. Unitdb is seeking contibution to improve test coverage and documentation.


This project is licensed under Apache-2.0 License.