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The universal installer and updater to (container) tools
⚠️ uniget is in the process of being migrated to GitLab. The migration is being tracked here. There is only one thing, you need to do: regularly update the uniget CLI using uniget self-update
. ⚠️
is inspired by the convenience script to install the Docker daemon. But the scope is much larger.
is meant to bootstrap a new box with Docker as well as install useful tools from the container ecosystem and beyond. It can also be used to update these tools. It aims to be distribution-agnostic and provide reasonable default configurations. Personally, I am using it to prepare virtual machines for my own experiments as well as training environments.
Tools are downloaded, installed and updated automatically.
Download and run uniget
curl -sLf$(uname -m).tar.gz \
| sudo tar -xzC /usr/local/bin uniget
See the documentation site.
The uniget
CLI comes with help included. The following scenarios are meant as quickstart tutorials.
You want the default set of tools
By default, uniget
will only install a small set of tools.
uniget install --default
You want to investigate which tools are available
List which tools are available in uniget
uniget list
You want to install a specific tool
It is possible to install individual tools:
uniget install gojq
uniget install kubectl helm
You want to search for tools
You can search for the specified term in names, tags and dependencies:
uniget search jq
You want to update installed tools
Updated tools which are already installed:
uniget update
uniget upgrade
You want to see what will happen
Show which tools will be processed and updated:
uniget install containerd --plan
uniget upgrade --plan
Reinstall tool(s)
By adding the --reinstall
parameter, the selected tools can be reinstalled regardless if they are outdated:
uniget install gojq --reinstall