


STU-Net: Scalable and Transferable Medical Image Segmentation Models Empowered by Large-Scale Supervised Pre-training
Ziyan Huang, Haoyu Wang, Zhongying Deng, Jin Ye, Yanzhou Su, Hui Sun, Junjun He, Yun Gu, Lixu Gu, Shaoting Zhang, Yu Qiao
[Apr. 13, 2023] [arXiv, 2023]

<p float="left"> <img src="assets/fig_bubble.png?raw=true" width="47.5%" /> <img src="assets/fig_model.png?raw=true" width="47.5%" /> </p>


Key Features



Large-scale models pre-trained on large-scale datasets have profoundly advanced the development of deep learning. However, the state-of-the-art models for medical image segmentation are still small-scale, with their parameters only in the tens of millions. Further scaling them up to higher orders of magnitude is rarely explored. An overarching goal of exploring large-scale models is to train them on large-scale medical segmentation datasets for better transfer capacities. In this work, we design a series of Scalable and Transferable U-Net (STU-Net) models, with parameter sizes ranging from 14 million to 1.4 billion. Notably, the 1.4B STU-Net is the largest medical image segmentation model to date. Our STU-Net is based on nnU-Net framework due to its popularity and impressive performance. We first refine the default convolutional blocks in nnU-Net to make them scalable. Then, we empirically evaluate different scaling combinations of network depth and width, discovering that it is optimal to scale model depth and width together. We train our scalable STU-Net models on a large-scale TotalSegmentator dataset and find that increasing model size brings a stronger performance gain. This observation reveals that a large model is promising in medical image segmentation. Furthermore, we evaluate the transferability of our model on 14 downstream datasets for direct inference and 3 datasets for further fine-tuning, covering various modalities and segmentation targets. We observe good performance of our pre-trained model in both direct inference and fine-tuning.

Main Results

<p align="center"> <img src="assets/fig_percent_training_case.png?raw=true" width="50%" alt="Segmentation performance comparison for different model sizes" /> </p> <p align="center"> With an increase in model size, the segmentation performance on large-scale datasets improves. Furthermore, larger models demonstrate greater data efficiency in medical image segmentation compared to their smaller counterparts. </p> <p align="center"> <img src="assets/fig_expert_vs_one.png?raw=true" width="100%" /> </p> <p align="center"> With an increase in model size, universal models become capable of concurrently segmenting numerous categories, exhibiting significant performance advancements. </p> <p align="center"> <img src="assets/direct_inference_table.png?raw=true" width="50%" /> </p> <p align="center"> With an increase in model size, models trained on large-scale datasets exhibit stronger performance when directly inferring downstream tasks. </p> <p align="center"> <img src="assets/finetune_table.png?raw=true" width="100%" /> </p> <p align="center"> With an increase in model size, our STU-Net models pre-trained on the large-scale dataset, TotalSegmentator, demonstrate enhanced performance on downstream tasks, markedly surpassing models trained from scratch. </p>

Dataset Links

We use TotalSegmentator dataset which contains 1204 images with 104 anatomical structures (consisting of 27 organs, 59 bones, 10 muscles and 8 vessels) for pre-training and 3 MICCAI 2022 challenge datasets as the downstream tasks for further fine-tuning.



Get Started

Main Requirements



Our models are built based on nnUNet V1. Please ensure that you meet the requirements of nnUNet.

git clone https://github.com/Ziyan-Huang/STU-Net.git
cd nnUNet-1.7.1
pip install -e .

We now support nnUNetv2! You can install it using the following command.

git clone https://github.com/Ziyan-Huang/STU-Net.git
cd nnUNet-2.2
pip install -e .

If you have installed nnUNetv1 already. You can just copy the following files in this repo to your nnUNet repository.

copy /network_training/* nnunet/training/network_training/
copy /network_architecture/* nnunet/network_architecture/
copy run_finetuning.py nnunet/run/

Pre-trained Models:

TotalSegmentator trained Models

These models are trained on TotalSegmentator dataset by 4000 epochs with mirror data augmentation

Model NameCrop Size#ParamsFLOPsDownload Link
STU-Net-S128x128x12814.6M0.13TBaidu Netdisk | Google Drive
STU-Net-B128x128x12858.26M0.51TBaidu Netdisk | Google Drive
STU-Net-L128x128x128440.30M3.81TBaidu Netdisk | Google Drive
STU-Net-H128x128x1281457.33M12.60TBaidu Netdisk | Google Drive

Fine-tuning on downstream tasks

To perform fine-tuning on downstream tasks, use the following command with the base model as an example:

python run_finetuning.py 3d_fullres STUNetTrainer_base_ft TASKID FOLD -pretrained_weights MODEL

For fine-tuning nnUNetv2, you can execute the program using the following command.

python nnunetv2/run/run_finetuning_stunet.py Datasetxxx 3d_fullres FOLD -pretrained_weights MODEL -tr STUNetTrainer_base_ft 

If we wish to start training from scratch, we can use the following command.

python nnunetv2/run/run_training.py Datasetxxx 3d_fullres FOLD  -tr STUNetTrainer_base

If we wish to continue training from previously trained weights, run this command.

python nnunetv2/run/run_training.py Datasetxxx 3d_fullres FOLD  -tr STUNetTrainer_base --c

Please note that you may need to adjust the learning rate according to the specific downstream task. To do this, modify the learning rate in the corresponding Trainer (e.g., STUNetTrainer_base_ft) for the task.

Using Our Models for Inference

To use our trained models to conduct inference on CT images, please first organize the file structures in your RESULTS_FOLDER/nnUNet/3d_fullres/ as follows:

- Task101_TotalSegmentator/
  - STUNetTrainer_small__nnUNetPlansv2.1/
    - plans.pkl
    - fold_0/
      - small_ep4k.model
      - small_ep4k.model.pkl
  - STUNetTrainer_base__nnUNetPlansv2.1/
    - plans.pkl
    - fold_0/
      - base_ep4k.model
      - base_ep4k.model.pkl
  - STUNetTrainer_large__nnUNetPlansv2.1/
    - plans.pkl
    - fold_0/
      - large_ep4k.model
      - large_ep4k.model.pkl
  - STUNetTrainer_huge__nnUNetPlansv2.1/
    - plans.pkl
    - fold_0/
      - huge_ep4k.model
      - huge_ep4k.model.pkl

These pickle files can be found in the plan_files directory within this repository. You can download the models from the provided paths above and set TASKID and TASK_NAME according to your preferences.

To conduct inference, you can use following command (base model for example):

nnUNet_predict -i INPUT_PATH -o OUTPUT_PATH -t 101 -m 3d_fullres -f 0 -tr STUNetTrainer_base  -chk base_ep4k

For much faster inference speed with minimal performance loss, it is recommended to use the following command:

nnUNet_predict -i INPUT_PATH -o OUTPUT_PATH -t 101 -m 3d_fullres -f 0 -tr STUNetTrainer_base  -chk base_ep4k --mode fast --disable_tta

The categories corresponding to the label values can be found in the label_orders file within our repository (please note that this differs from the official TotalSegmentator version).

🙋‍♀️ Feedback and Contact

If you have any question, feel free to contact ziyanhuang@sjtu.edu.cn.

🛡️ License

This project is under the Apache License 2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.

🙏 Acknowledgement

Our code is based on the nnU-Net framework.

📝 Citation

If you find this repository useful, please consider citing our paper:

      title={STU-Net: Scalable and Transferable Medical Image Segmentation Models Empowered by Large-Scale Supervised Pre-training}, 
      author={Ziyan Huang and Haoyu Wang and Zhongying Deng and Jin Ye and Yanzhou Su and Hui Sun and Junjun He and Yun Gu and Lixu Gu and Shaoting Zhang and Yu Qiao},