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Convert Legacy HTML to Hyperscript

Automatically translate old HTML markup into the new Hyperscript markup embeddable directly inside your component Javascript code.

Use this for hand-converting legacy project source code (e.g. AngularJS templates): care is taken to preserve original whitespace and even comments. For dynamic serving and CI builds check out https://github.com/alexmingoia/jsx-transform instead.

npm install -g html2hyperscript
html2hyperscript legacy_markup_file.html > shiny_new_syntax.js

See Hyperscript library: https://github.com/dominictarr/hyperscript

Also useful for virtual DOM Hyperscript-like syntax: https://github.com/Matt-Esch/virtual-dom

HTML goes in:

<table class="sample-html">

Hyperscript-like JS syntax comes out:

h("table.sample-html", [
  h("tr", [
    h("th", [ "Pandas" ]),
    h("th", [ "Kittens" ]),
    h("th", [ "Hedgehogs" ])
  h("tr", [
    h("td", [ "foo" ]),
    h("td", [ "bar" ]),
    h("td", [ "baz" ])
  h("tr", [
    h("td", [ "32" ]),
    h("td", [ "45" ]),
    h("td", [ "83" ])
  h("tr", [
    h("td", [ "onomatopoeia" ]),
    h("td", [ "schadenfreude" ]),
    h("td", [ "antidisestablishmentarianism" ])