

Fluokitten - category theory in idiomatic Clojure

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Fluokitten is a Clojure library that implements category theory concepts, such as functors, applicative functors, monads, monoids etc. in idiomatic Clojure.

There is a lot of documentation and tutorials at Fluokitten Website. Please make sure to check it out.

Project Goals

Documentation & Examples

The project is documented in the following ways:

Project Maturity

While the project is in the 0.X.Y version it is considered in development, so the priority is adding the new features and enhancing the existing code as much as possible, rather than backward compatibility. Once it reaches version 1.0.0 it will be considered stable, and more consideration will be directed towards supporting backward compatibility.


Copyright © 2013-2018 Dragan Djuric

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure