Elixir RSS/Atom parser built on erlang's xmerl xml parser. It uses timex for parsing dates.
Add feedme into your mix dependencies and applications:
def application do
[applications: [:feedme]]
defp deps do
[{:feedme, "~> 0.0.1"}]
Then run mix deps.get
to install feedme.
Feedme expose only one function named parse/1
. Parse function detects the feed format as rss or atom.
{:ok, xml_string} ="some.xml")
{:ok, feed} = Feedme.parse(xml_string)
# Feed
meta: %Feedme.MetaData{
author: nil,
category: nil,
cloud: nil,
copyright: nil,
description: "software is fun",
docs: nil,
generator: "Ghost 0.6",
image: nil,
language: nil,
last_build_date: %Timex.DateTime{...},
link: "", managing_editor: nil,
publication_date: nil,
rating: nil,
skip_days: [],
skip_hours: [],
title: "collect {thoughts}",
ttl: "60",
web_master: nil
entries: [
author: nil,
categories: ["elixir"],
comments: nil,
description: "<p>I previously <a href=\"\">wrote</a> about explicitness in Elixir. One of my favorite ways the language embraces explicitness is in its distinction between eager and lazy operations on collections. Any time you use the <code>Enum</code> module, you're performing an eager operation. Your collection will be transformed/mapped/enumerated immediately. When you use</p>",
enclosure: %Feedme.Enclosure{
length: "12216320",
type: "audio/mpeg",
url: ""
guid: "9b68a5a7-4ab0-420e-8105-0462357fa1f1",
link: "",
publication_date: %Timex.DateTime{...},
source: nil, title: "Elixir Streams"
- Rss+Atom parser
- FeedBurner support