

Decorrelated Batch Normalization

Code for reproducing the results in the following paper:

Decorrelated Batch Normalization
Lei Huang, Dawei Yang, Bo Lang, Jia Deng
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018. arXiv:1804.08450

Requirements and Dependency

luarocks install optnet


1. Reproduce the results for PCA whitening:

bash execute_MLP_0debug_MNIST.sh

This script will download MNIST automatically and you should put the mnist.t7/ under ./dataset/. The experiment results will be saved at ./set_result/MLP/.

2. Reproduce the results for MLP architecture:

(1) FIM experiments on YaleB dataset
bash execute_MLP_1FIM_YaleB_best.sh

The experiment results will be saved at directory: 'set_result/MLP/'.

You can experiment with different hyperparameters by running these scripts -- execute_MLP_1FIM_YaleB_HyperP.sh and execute_MLP_1FIM_YaleB_HyperP_nnn.sh.

(2) Experiments on PIE dataset
bash execute_MLP_2PIE_DBNGroup.sh
 bash execute_MLP_2PIE.sh
 bash execute_MLP_2PIE_nnn.sh

Note that the experiments until this point can be run on CPU, so MAGMA is not needed in above experiments.

3. Reproduce the results for VGG-A architecture on CIFAR-10:

bash execute_Conv_1vggA_2test_adam.sh
bash execute_Conv_1vggA_2test_base.sh
bash execute_Conv_1vggA_2test_ELU.sh
bash execute_Conv_1vggA_2test_var.sh

Note that if your machine has fewer than 4 GPUs, the environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES should be changed accordingly.

4. Analyze the properties of DBN on CIFAR-10 datset:

bash exp_Conv_4Splain_1deep.lua
bash exp_Conv_4Splain_2large.lua

5. Reproduce the ResNet experiments on CIFAR-10 datset:

bash execute_Conv_2residual_old.sh
bash execute_Conv_3residual_wide_Cifar100_wr_BN_d28_h48_g16_b128_dr0.3_s1_C2.sh
bash execute_Conv_3residual_wide_Cifar100_wr_DBN_scale_L1_d28_h48_g16_b128_dr0.3_s1_C3.sh
bash execute_Conv_3residual_wide_Cifar10_wr_BN_d28_h48_g16_b128_dr0.3_s1_C2.sh
bash execute_Conv_3residual_wide_Cifar10_wr_DBN_scale_L1_d28_h48_g16_b128_dr0.3_s1_C3.sh

6. Reproduce the ImageNet experiments.


Email: huanglei@nlsde.buaa.edu.cn. Any discussions and suggestions are welcome!