

<p align="center"> <h1 align="center">Mementos: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Multimodal Large Language Model Reasoning over Image Sequences</h1> <p align="center"> <a><strong>Xiyao Wang</strong></a> · <a><strong>Yuhang Zhou</strong></a> · <a><strong>Xiaoyu Liu</strong></a> · <a><strong>Hongjin Lu</strong></a> · <a><strong>Yuancheng Xu</strong></a> · <a><strong>Feihong He</strong></a> · <a><strong>Jaehong Yoon</strong></a> · <a><strong>Taixi Lu</strong></a> · <a><strong>Gedas Bertasius</strong></a> · <a><strong>Mohit Bansal</strong></a> · <a><strong>Huaxiu Yao*</strong></a> · <a><strong>Furong Huang*</strong></a> </p> </p>

📍 Dataset

This is the dataset and code for paper 'Mementos: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Multimodal Large Language Model Reasoning over Image Sequences'

All datas are at this google drive link: Menmentos Dataset

📄 Synonym graphs

We provide all object and behavior synonym files in 'sym_graphs' folder which can be loaded and used directly using function 'load_graph' in build_action_graph.ipynb.

📊 Evaluation

To evaluate your own model, we provide the codes of GPT-4-assisted evaluation procedure in GPT-4-assisted_evaluation.ipynb. First you need extract object and behavior keyword list using GPT-4, then compute Recall, Precision, and F1 of objects and behaviors.

📝 Citation

If you find our work useful, please consider citing:

  title={Mementos: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Multimodal Large Language Model Reasoning over Image Sequences},
  author={Wang, Xiyao and Zhou, Yuhang and Liu, Xiaoyu and Lu, Hongjin and Xu, Yuancheng and He, Feihong and Yoon, Jaehong and Lu, Taixi and Bertasius, Gedas and Bansal, Mohit and others},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.10529},