

rhasspy Weather

A python script that can make rhasspy voice assistant tell the weather.

Found a bug?

Just open an issue and supply me with the sentence that produced the bug.

Table of Contents


The whole setup procedure described was only tested on rhasspy 2.4. If you want to set it up on rhasspy 2.5 this might not work anymore.


custom_command script

If you have not already set up a custom_command script for something else you need to set this up. Create a folder called "custom_command" in your rhasspy profile folder.

In this folder create a file called "custom_commands.py" and paste the code from below in there.

<details> <summary>custom_commands.py (click to expand)</summary> <p>

import sys
import json
import datetime
import pytz
import rhasspy_weather.rhasspy_weather as weather

import os
import logging

logging_format = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)-5s - %(name)s.%(funcName)s[%(lineno)d]: %(message)s'
logging.basicConfig(filename=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'output.log'), format=logging_format, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", level=logging.INFO)

def customTime(*args):
    converted = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.timezone('Europe/Berlin'))
    return converted.timetuple()

logging.Formatter.converter = customTime

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def exception_to_log(type, value, traceback):
    log.exception("Uncaught exception: ", exc_info=(type, value, traceback))

sys.excepthook = exception_to_log

def speech(text):
    global o
    o["speech"] = {"text": text}

log.info("Custom Script Started")
# get json from stdin and load into python dict
o = json.loads(sys.stdin.read())

intent = o["intent"]["name"]

if intent.startswith("GetWeatherForecast"):
    log.info("Detected Weather Intent")
    forecast = weather.get_weather_forecast(o)

# convert dict to json and print to stdout
</p> </details>

Now you need to make rhasspy call that file to handle intents. To do so edit your profile.json so it contains the following.

For now the result needs to be forwarded to hass (even if you don't use it) because otherwise the answer will not be read by the TTS engine.

    "handle": {
        "command": {
            "program": "$RHASSPY_PROFILE_DIR/custom_command/custom_commands.py"
        "system": "command",
        "forward_to_hass": true
    ... # the rest of your profile.json (make sure to not include this line)

Setting up sentences and slots

Now we need to get rhasspy to actually recognize our intents. For that we will need to add the sentences to sentences.ini and also add the slots used in those.


Copy the sentences below to your sentences.ini via the web gui. You can add to those or edit them but make sure the slots in the curly brackets {} stay the same.

You need to expand/edit the locations in the line "location = [(Frankfurt|Berlin|Regensburg|London)]" to something useful for you.

<details> <summary>German Sentences (click to expand)</summary> <p>
day = ($rhasspy_weather_slots/named_days|[am:] ($rhasspy/days|((0..31) $rhasspy/months))|in (0..7) Tagen)
time = ($rhasspy_weather_slots/named_times|[um:] (0..24) [Uhr:] [(0..59)]|in (einer Stunde|(2..100) Stunden))
location = [(Frankfurt|Berlin|Regensburg|London)]
wie (ist|wird) das wetter [<day> {when_day}] [<time> {when_time}] [in <location> {location}]
wie (ist|wird) [<day> {when_day}] [<time> {when_time}] das wetter [in <location> {location}]

brauche ich [<GetWeatherForecast.day> {when_day}] [<GetWeatherForecast.time> {when_time}] [in <GetWeatherForecast.location> {location}] [(eine|einen|ein)] $rhasspy_weather_slots/items {item}

gibt es [<GetWeatherForecast.day> {when_day}] [<GetWeatherForecast.time> {when_time}] [in <GetWeatherForecast.location> {location}] $rhasspy_weather_slots/conditions {condition}
scheint [<GetWeatherForecast.day> {when_day}] [<GetWeatherForecast.time> {when_time}] [in <GetWeatherForecast.location> {location}] die $rhasspy_weather_slots/conditions {condition}
$rhasspy_weather_slots/conditions {condition} es [<GetWeatherForecast.day> {when_day}] [<GetWeatherForecast.time> {when_time}] [in <GetWeatherForecast.location> {location}]

(ist|wird) es [<GetWeatherForecast.day> {when_day}] [<GetWeatherForecast.time> {when_time}] [in <GetWeatherForecast.location> {location}] $rhasspy_weather_slots/temperatures {temperature}
wie $rhasspy_weather_slots/temperatures {temperature} (ist|wird) es [<GetWeatherForecast.day> {when_day}] [<GetWeatherForecast.time> {when_time}] [in <GetWeatherForecast.location> {location}]
was ist die temperatur [am <GetWeatherForecast.day> {when_day}] [<GetWeatherForecast.time> {when_time}] [in <GetWeatherForecast.location> {location}]
</p> </details> <details> <summary>English Sentences (click to expand)</summary> <p>
day = ($rhasspy_weather_slots/named_days|[on:] ($rhasspy/days|((0..31) $rhasspy/months))|in (0..7) days)
time = ($rhasspy_weather_slots/named_times|[at:] (0..24) [Uhr:] [(0..59)]|in (one hour|(2..100) hours))
location = [(Frankfurt|Berlin|Regensburg|London)]

(how|what|whats) (is|will) [the] weather [(be|going to be)] [<day> {when_day}] [<time> {when_time}] [(in|at) <location> {location}]
(how|what|whats) (is|will) [the] weather [(in|at) <location> {location}] [(be|going to be)] [<day> {when_day}] [<time> {when_time}]
(how|what|whats) (is|will) [<day> {when_day}] [<time> {when_time}] [the] weather [(be|going to be)] [(in|at) <location> {location}]

do (I|we|you) (need|have to take|have to bring|need to wear|need to take) [(a|an|some|any|one|the)] $rhasspy_weather_slots/items {item} [(in|at) <GetWeatherForecast.location> {location}] [<GetWeatherForecast.day> {when_day}] [<GetWeatherForecast.time> {when_time}]
do (I|we|you) (need|have to take|have to bring|need to wear|need to take) [(a|an|some|any|one|the)] $rhasspy_weather_slots/items {item} [<GetWeatherForecast.day> {when_day}] [<GetWeatherForecast.time> {when_time}] [(in|at) <GetWeatherForecast.location> {location}]

(does it|is it|will it|will it be|will there be|is it going to|is there going to be) [(a|the)] $rhasspy_weather_slots/conditions {condition} [(in|at) <GetWeatherForecast.location> {location}] [<GetWeatherForecast.day> {when_day}] [<GetWeatherForecast.time> {when_time}]

(will it be|is it going to be) $rhasspy_weather_slots/temperatures {temperature} [<GetWeatherForecast.day> {when_day}] [<GetWeatherForecast.time> {when_time}] [(in|at) <GetWeatherForecast.location> {location}] 
how $rhasspy_weather_slots/temperatures {temperature} (is it|will it be|is it going to be) [<GetWeatherForecast.day> {when_day}] [<GetWeatherForecast.time> {when_time}] [(in|at) <GetWeatherForecast.location> {location}]
what is the temperature [<GetWeatherForecast.day> {when_day}] [<GetWeatherForecast.time> {when_time}] [(in|at) <GetWeatherForecast.location> {location}]

Thanks to ulno for his English sentences which are way better than mine were.

</p> </details>


The slots are dynamically generated via rhasspy slot_programs. To set this up you need to create a folder "slot_programs" in your profile folder, navigate into the folder on a linux console and then create a symlink to the slot_programs folder that comes with this script.

ln -s ../custom_command/rhasspy_weather/slot_programs rhasspy_weather_slots

You can also manually copy the files in this folder into a subfolder! of slot_programs. The subfolder is important because the script loads modules from the main part of the script and navigates up to the profile folder from there. If anyone knows a way to get the path of the rhasspy profile without this crap, please let me know.

Config file

The config file will be created once the script is run for the first time so no need to create it yourself.





If everything is set up you can query the weather:




Some helpful things needed to know for development.

Project Structure

|--- rhasspy_weather                # this is actually in the github project
     |--- api                       # all weather api's go here
          |--- openweathermap.py    # default api
     |--- data_types                # basically tons of custom classes saving data
          |--- condition.py         
          |--- config.py            # config file is parsed here
          |--- forecast.py
          |--- interval.py
          |--- item.py
          |--- item_list.py
          |--- location.py
          |--- report.py
          |--- request.py           # this is what a parser outputs
          |--- status.py            # status and error handling
     |--- languages                 # language files go here
          |--- german.py
          |--- english.py
     |--- parser                    # parsers go here
          |--- rhasspy_intent.py
     |--- slot_programs             # slot program generating rhasspy slots from language files
          |--- conditions
          |--- items
          |--- named_days
          |--- named_times
          |--- output.log           # output from slot_programs ends up here
          |--- temperatures
     |--- config.default
     |--- rhasspy_weather.py        # basically the main of the script (do only call from outside)
     |--- utils.py                  # misc functions that are used by more than one data_type
|--- custom_commands.py # the script rhasspy calls that uses this project
|--- output.log         # the file all logs land in (if my example custom_commands.py is used

What not to do

call rhasspy_weather.py from inside the rhasspy_weather folder

Python3 imports are weird. If you call rhasspy_weather.py from inside the rhasspy_weather folder python will complain about the module rhasspy_weather not existing. Every fix I tried so far resulted in some kind of error. This at least works if called from outside. Just make sure to always call from the folder the rhasspy_weather folder is in. I have not tried what happens if you go another folder up, probably import errors.

If you have/find a solution that works both from outside the folder (for custom_commands.py) as well as from inside the folder I am open for it.

call slot_programs from the slot_programs folder (slot_programs )

I used a bit of a hacky workaround to be able to import parts of the script from the slot_programs folder which results in this quirky behaviour. Just always call from the folder that slot_programs (or the symlink to this) is in and it will work.

This is my hacky stuff. If someone has an idea how to get the folder of the current rhasspy profile in a better way, please tell me.

sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'), '..'), "custom_command")))