

Jupyter S3

Jupyter Notebook Contents Manager for AWS S3.


pip install jupyters3


To configure Jupyter Notebook to use JupyterS3, you can add the following to your notebook config file.

from jupyters3 import JupyterS3, JupyterS3SecretAccessKeyAuthentication
c = get_config()
c.NotebookApp.contents_manager_class = JupyterS3

and must also set the following settings on c.JupyterS3 in your config file.

aws_regionThe AWS region in which the bucket is located'eu-west-1'
aws_s3_bucketThe name of the S3 bucket.'my-example-bucket'
aws_s3_hostThe hostname of the AWS S3 API. Typically, this is of the form s3-<aws_region>.amazonaws.com.'s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com'
prefixThe prefix to all keys used to store notebooks and checkpoints. This can be the empty string ''. If non-empty, typically this would end in a forward slash /.'some-prefix/'

You must also, either, authenticate using a secret key, in which case you must have the following configuration

from jupyters3 import JupyterS3SecretAccessKeyAuthentication
c.JupyterS3.authentication_class = JupyterS3SecretAccessKeyAuthentication

and the following settings on c.JupyterS3SecretAccessKeyAuthentication

aws_access_key_idThe ID of the AWS access key used to sign the requests to the AWS S3 API.ommitted
aws_secret_access_keyThe secret part of the AWS access key used to sign the requests to the AWS S3 API.ommitted

or authenticate using a role in an ECS container, in which case you must have the following configuration

from jupyters3 import JupyterS3ECSRoleAuthentication
c.JupyterS3.authentication_class = JupyterS3ECSRoleAuthentication

where JupyterS3ECSRoleAuthentication does not have configurable options, or write your own authentication class, such as the one below for EC2/IAM role-based authentication

import datetime
import json

from jupyters3 import (
from tornado import gen
from tornado.httpclient import (
    HTTPError as HTTPClientError,

class JupyterS3EC2RoleAuthentication(JupyterS3Authentication):

    role_name = Unicode(config=True)
    aws_access_key_id = Unicode()
    aws_secret_access_key = Unicode()
    pre_auth_headers = Dict()
    expiration = Datetime()

    def get_credentials(self):
        now = datetime.datetime.now()

        if now > self.expiration:
            request = HTTPRequest('' + self.role_name, method='GET')
            creds = json.loads((yield AsyncHTTPClient().fetch(request)).body.decode('utf-8'))
            self.aws_access_key_id = creds['AccessKeyId']
            self.aws_secret_access_key = creds['SecretAccessKey']
            self.pre_auth_headers = {
                'x-amz-security-token': creds['Token'],
            self.expiration = datetime.datetime.strptime(creds['Expiration'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')

        return AwsCreds(

configured using

c.JupyterS3.authentication_class = JupyterS3EC2RoleAuthentication
c.JupyterS3EC2RoleAuthentication.role_name = 'my-iam-role-name'

Differences from S3Contents