This is an approximate reimplementation of the sentence splitter from the Moses toolkit.
- Currently doesn't support CJK character sets.
- requires the pcre2 libraries
On Ubuntu,
sudo apt-get install libpcre2
should do the trick - The (non-breaking) prefix files included were originally copied from the Moses toolkit but may have been edited there or here since they were copied.
Build instructions
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
This produces an executable ssplit
Command line:
run ssplit -h
for usage instructions.
In Code (Example)
#include "ssplit.h"
std::string prefix_file = "path/to/moses-style/prefix-file";
ug::ssplit::SentenceSplitter ssplit(prefix_file);
std::string chunk_of_text = "Sentence one. Sentence two.\nSentence three. Sentence four.";
ug::ssplit::splitmode mode = ug::ssplit::splitmode::one_paragraph_per_line;
ug::sssplit::SentenceStream sentence_stream(chunk_of_text, ssplit, mode);
std::string_view snt;
while(sentence_stream >> snt) { // false means end of chunk
if (snt.size() == 0) {
// empty string_view means end of paragraph except in one_sentence_per_line mode,
// which just returns one line (minus leading and training whitespace) at a time
// For one_paragraph_per_line each empty paragraph results in snt.size() == 0
// twice in a row: first the em
else { // this is the next non-empty paragraph