


Voxelmap++: Mergeable Voxel Mapping Method for Online LiDAR(-inertial) Odometry


VoxelMapPlus is an expension with some new features about VoxelMap (https://github.com/hku-mars/VoxelMap)

  1. Incrementally 3DOF plane fitting and update method based on least squares estimation
  2. Plane merging method based on union-find which consider the coplanar relationship between voxel
  3. Computationally efficient, low memory usage
  4. Adapt different kinds of LiDARs (multi-spinning LiDARs and non-conventional solid-state LiDARs)
<div align="center"> <img src="pics/Voxelmap++.png" width = 100% > <font color=#a0a0a0 size=2>The framework about VoxelMap++</font> <img src="pics/MergedVoxelMap.png" width = 100% > <font color=#a0a0a0 size=2>The Merged VoxelMap about Liren Building</font> <img src="pics/PointCloudMap.png" width = 100% > <font color=#a0a0a0 size=2>The PointCloud Map about Liren Building</font> </div>


Yuan You 游远, Yifei Yuan 袁翼飞

Related video

Our accompanying videos are now available on Bilibili.

<div align="center"> <a href="https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16h4y1r7Cm/" target="_blank"> <img src="pics/video_cover.png" width=100% /> </div>

Related paper

Related paper available on arxiv:

  1. Voxelmap++: Mergeable Voxel Mapping Method for Online LiDAR(-inertial) Odometry
  2. Efficient and Probabilistic Adaptive Voxel Mapping for Accurate Online LiDAR Odometry
  3. FAST-LIO2: Fast Direct LiDAR-inertial Odometry

1. Prerequisites

1.1. PCL && Eigen

PCL>= 1.8, Follow PCL Installation.

Eigen>= 3.3.4, Follow Eigen Installation.

1.2. livox_ros_driver

Follow livox_ros_driver Installation.

2. Build

Clone the repository and catkin_make:

    cd ~/$A_ROS_DIR$/src
    git clone https://github.com/uestc-icsp/VoxelMapPlus_Public.git
    cd ..
    source devel/setup.bash

3. Run on Dataset

3.1 Run on Our LivoxHap Odometry dataset

Step A: Download Datasets 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-y3x7tbPbyr3LlFnH-FkWw?pwd=ICSP 提取码: ICSP

Step B: Setup before run Edit config/velodyne.yaml to set the below parameters:

  1. LiDAR point cloud topic name: lid_topic
  2. IMU topic name: imu_topic
  3. If you want to show the voxel map, set pub_voxel_map to true
  4. If you want to show the accumulated point cloud map, set pub_point_cloud to true

Step C: Run below

    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch voxel_map_plus mapping_velodyne.launch

Step D: Play rosbag.