

⚠️ This project is discontinued. Feel free to fork it!



Unicode character search for macOS & Windows.

<img width="452" alt="VMhqvQhFOy" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2500670/87650646-40679f80-c752-11ea-9c21-e65f1b0097a9.png">


Using Glyphfinder

Though the code is open source, we ask you to buy a license to actually use Glyphfinder. Your money will help us to put more time into our open source work. ✌️


Contribution is very welcome! Feel free to open an issue for bug reports, add new tags to the spreadsheet or even open a PR.

Suggest new tags

Glyphfinder searches through 34.306 characters, the file containing the full list of characters including all tags is too big for GitHub (more than 200 MB). Google Spreadsheet can handle this huge data set very well. If you want to suggest new tags, feel free to add them here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xdlg_pR3jSlTunmcmgZI70ZAQu7N4yoJFcL4Ssn6uJI/edit#gid=1187968163

Project setup

Feel free to clone the project and fiddle around with our code. You need Node and Yarn, and — that’s special for this project – need to generate the list of characters from a Google Spreadsheet.

yarn install
yarn generate

Run the development build

To start the development version of the app run the start script. The app will open and you’ll be able to use it right-away. Changes to the code will be hot loaded.

yarn start

Lint and fix files

If you plan to send a PR with changes, run the lint process to fix code style issues:

yarn lint


Don’t try to build the app, you won’t be able to code sign and/or notarize the app without a developer certificate. We’re running the build process manually and publish new versions on the website: https://www.glyphfinder.com

Build the macOS version

Don’t do this at home. It won’t work without all the certificates and credentials. Hopefully this is helpful to other app developers though.

  1. Bump version in /package.json
  2. Fill out the .env
  3. Install dependencies: yarn install
  4. Build the macOS version: yarn run electron:build:mac
  5. Put the notarized version in the Zip file: yarn run fix:build:mac
  6. Manually upload Glyphfinder-*.dmg, Glyphfinder-*.dmg.blockmap, Glyphfinder-*.zip and latest-mac.yml (find them in dist_electron) to the DigitalOcean space.
  7. Manually upload the Glyphfinder-*.dmg to Gumroad.
  8. Update the download links in ueberdosis/glyphfinder-landingpage.
  9. Respond to suggestions on https://feedback.glyphfinder.com.
  10. Tweet about the update. 🐤

New Release for SetApp

  1. Jump to the SetApp Node.js wrapper: cd setapp-nodejs-wrapper
  2. Install all dependencies: yarn install
  3. Build the Node.js wrapper: yarn build
  4. Jump back to the root folder: cd ../
  5. Actually build the SetApp version: yarn setapp:build
  6. Fix the Zip file: yarn fix:build:mac
  7. Manually upload dist_electron/Glyphfinder-*.dmg to SetApp (https://developer.setapp.com/).

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