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A better way to define schemas for your JSON.


If you want to take the system for a spin, please go to https://reproto.github.io.

Reproto is:

These things combined support an ecosystem where schemas can be maintained and shared across many teams.

You can install a binary version of reproto by running:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reproto/reproto/master/install.sh -sSf | bash

Note: This project is in an early stage. Things will change a lot. Please take it for a spin, but avoid building large repositories of schemas for now.

Getting Started

Helping Out

You want to help out? Great!

You might want to start on issues marked with good first issue. If you have a support for a programming language that you feel is lacking, please help out with language support.

For any of these, just poke the issue with a quick I want to do this!. If mentoring instructions are lacking, they will be made available as soon as possible. Also make sure to join our Gitter channel.

Language Support

LanguageTracking IssueJSONgRPCHTTP/1.1*
Java✔️✔️✔️ test
Python✔️✖️✔️ test
Rust✔️✖️✔️ test

*: HTTP/1.1 support is actively being outlined in #2

Generating Documentation

reproto can generate rich markdown-based documentation from your specifications.

Go to https://reproto.github.io/reproto/doc-examples/ to see what this documentation looks like.

These have been generated from the examples project using tools/update-doc-examples.

Installing from Source

Make sure you have gotten started with Rust.

Initialize submodules:

git submodule update --init

Pack syntax highlighting and themes:

cargo build-syntax
cargo build-themes

Build and install the CLI. This will install reproto into ~/.cargo/bin, make sure it is in your PATH:

cargo install --path cli reproto



This project includes an extensive set of integration tests.

See cargo it --help for documentation on what can be done.

Suites are fast tests which compiles a given set of rules, and compares with expected output stored in this repository.

cargo it --suites

To run UI tests:

cargo it --ui

Projects are complete project tests. These are projects written for various programming languages, and are generally harder to build.

cargo it --projects

To run all tests, do:

cargo it --all

For more information, run make help.

Testing Rust Projects

Install Rust: https://rustup.rs

Testing Dart Projects

Install Dart SDK: https://dart.dev/get-dart

Testing Python Projects

Install Python.

All python testing requires requests to be installed.