

For archival purposes only, not maintained

HaCRS input generator

A component to produce baselines, seeds and other artifacts for the evaluation and seeding for the HaCRS system.


The corresponding paper can be found here: https://acmccs.github.io/papers/p347-shoshitaishviliA.pdf


To make it work:

git clone hacrs-input-generator
cd hacrs-input-generator

First take a look at config.py and adjust it to your system. This should only require you to change DESKTOP_BASE_DIR to the directory where you cloned the repo.

Then run the Vagrant virtual machine.

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Then inside the vagrant machine:

cd /vagrant
python 0_build_binaries.py
python onetime_fixup_challenges.py
python 1_extract_pcap.py
python 2_extract_interaction.py
python 3_extract_trace.py

This should generate all the important information in a subfolder bins/ accessible on both the Vagrant machine and on your computer.

You can use the 5_info.py script to get information about each challenge and about which steps worked and also overall statistics.


  1. Rework it to do all the povs as well as all the pollers.
  2. Rework 4_copy_out_relevant_results.py or throw it out