

Our snap/snapcraft codelabs

This is our snap and snapcraft codelabs, fetched from google doc content.

This is the compiled containing compiled assets or codelabs. The source branch is at https://github.com/ubuntu/codelabs-source.

Run the binary assets

Once you are on the codelabs repo, you can just run the simple webserver from the main repo:

Add/Update/Remove codelabs

You can use ./codelabs binary which will fetch needed dependencies for you to add/update or remove codelabs.

You can use -ga <google_analytics> to override the default GA account.

Codelabs are located in src/codelabs. All metadata are then regenerated for the website to pick up.

Do not forget to add/commit and push to the codelabs branch each time you generate or refresh the codelabs assets.

Tweak category theming and events

The theming is for categories are located in categories-events.json. Only categories available there will be shown in the dropdown filters.

Adding events enables to get events/<event_name> page, which is filtering codelabs for which one tags match this event. Images are relative path to images/events/.