

ELisp Tree-sitter <img src="doc/static/img/emacs-tree-sitter-96x96.png" align="left">

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For Emacs 29+, please use the built-in integration instead of this package.

This is an Emacs Lisp binding for tree-sitter, an incremental parsing library. It requires Emacs 25.1 or above, built with dynamic module support.

It aims to be the foundation for a new breed of Emacs packages that understand code structurally. For example:

The author of tree-sitter articulated its merits a lot better in this Strange Loop talk.


See the installation section in the documentation.

If you want to hack on emacs-tree-sitter itself, see the next section instead.

Setup for Development

Note: On Windows, use Powershell instead of Bash or cmd.exe.

If you want to hack on the high-level features (in Lisp) only:

If you want to build additional (or all) grammars from source, or work on the core dynamic module, see the next 2 sections.

Building grammars from source

Note: If you are only interested in building the grammar binaries, not the dynamic module, check out tree-sitter-langs.

Working on the dynamic module

To test against a different version of Emacs, set the environment variable EMACS (e.g. EMACS=/snap/bin/emacs make test).



Contributions are welcomed. Please take a look at the issue list for ideas, or create a new issue to describe any idea you have for improvement.

For language-specific issues/features, please check out tree-sitter-langs instead.

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