<br> <p align="center"><img src="docs/logo.png" alt="AresDB Logo" width="220" height="209"></p>AresDB
AresDB is a GPU-powered real-time analytics storage and query engine. It features low query latency, high data freshness and highly efficient in-memory and on disk storage management. Please see AresDB's features, architecture design described in the Uber Engineering Blog.
This repo contains the source code of AresDB and debug UI.
Legal Note
AresDB requires the CUDA Toolkit. Please ensure you read, acknowledge, and accept the CUDA End User License Agreement.
Getting started
To get AresDB:
git clone --recursive $GOPATH/src/
NVIDIA Driver and CUDA Setup
AresDB needs NVIDIA driver version >= 390.48 and CUDA version 9.1.
Environment Variables
Run the following to make sure the following environment variables are correctly set:
export PATH=/path/to/cuda/bin:${PATH}
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/cuda/lib64:/path/to/aresdb/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
Language Requirements
Building and running AresDB requires:
Run following commands to generate makefile:
Alternatively, if you want to run the query in CPU mode, run following commands:
Local Test
AresDB is written in C++ (query engine) and Golang (mem store, disk store and other query components). Because of this, we break testing into two parts:
Test Golang Code
We use Ginkgo as the test framework for running the Golang unit test and coverage. Install Ginkgo first and run
make test-golang
Test C++ Code
We use google-test as the test framework to test C++ code. Install google-test and set the environment variable, GTEST_ROOT, to the installed location.
After you have installed properly, run
make test-cuda
Run AresDB Server
The following command will start an AresDB server locally. You can start to query the server using a curl command or swagger page.
make run_server
Run AresDB Docker
Please read the Docker page.
Interested in learning more about AresDB? Read the blog post
Apache 2.0 License, please see LICENSE for details.