A dark theme, with some retrowave accent.
Warning: Even if use this theme daily, this will always be a work in progress.
My main editor is Neovim with treesitter activated, and I mostly use it for web development. Consequently, a lot of highlights, filetypes or plugins are not supported yet.
Installing outrun-vim
Put outrun.vim file on the "colors" directory, or use a package manager. Ex, with Plug:
Plug 'u03c1/outrun-vim'
Enabling outrun-vim
In your init file:
set termguicolors
colorscheme outrun
Hacking Outrun-vim
Outrun-vim comes with the very template used to generate it: colors/outrun-vim.erb. The template, based on vim-rnb, is well maintained and documented.
If you feel like making a pull request, make sure you commit both the modified template and the modified colorscheme.
- Theme created using vim-rnb