

Magento Floating Messages v1.0.0

What it does

This is a small magento extension that enables you to make the error/success/notice/warning session messages appear as an overlay in the page. This is the default mode Magento displays messages: <img src="http://i.imgur.com/oRUZNSe.png" alt="default" /> This is after enabling the extension: <img src="http://i.imgur.com/j0VdUQt.png" alt="floating" />


The extension was tested on CE 1.7 to 1.9 but most probably works with older versions also.


Copy the extension files over your Magento instance so each folder overlaps with the correct magento folder. app over app and js over js. nothing should be overwritten. Clear the cache.

How to use:

The extension is disabled by default so it won't affect your store. To enable it go to System->Configuration->Floating Messages->Settings and set the Enabled flag to Yes.

After enabling it, you will also have access to some configuration settings.


In case you are a developer and want to change something related to the floating messages you don't need each time to do an action that would generate a session message. Just edit the config.xml of the module and uncomment the <events> section. This will make a set of messages to appear on every page refresh. I didn't want to do this from the configuration section, because the event will still be observed even if the method did nothing. I didn't want any overhead on the page load.


To uninstall the module remove the following files and folders:


This extension does not make floating messages out of the messages generated through ajax calls (yet).


Please report any issue or request in <a href="https://github.com/tzyganu/floating-message/issues" target="_blank">here</a>.