


After the big box office hit <a href="http://ismariusawake.com/" target="_blank">http://ismariusawake.com/</a> written an directed by <a href="https://github.com/philwinkle" target="_blank">philwinkle</a> here comes a sequel "Who is On MageOverflow?".
But this time...yes you guessed it...as a magento extension for Magento 1.7+.

Now you can see who can help you code Magento while you code Magento. (insert Xzibit meme here)

What it does?

It adds a menu to the backend of your magento instance. At the end of that menu you will find a CRUD section that let's you manage the people you want to follow that have accounts on <a href="http://magento.stackexchange.com" target="_blank">http://magento.stackexchange.com</a>.

In the grid of the module you will see their last activity (answer given) and if they are awake or not.

Initialy the module had 2 default users: <a href="http://magento.stackexchange.com/users/336/philwinkle" target="_blank">philwinkle</a> and <a href="http://magento.stackexchange.com/users/146/marius" target="_blank">Marius</a>. If you want to add more, just use the form and provide the stackexchange user id.

If you want to be part of the initial data set, just post an <a href="https://github.com/tzyganu/WhoIsOnMageOverflow/issues" target="_blank">issue</a> saying that you want to. But you must have at least 400 points on magento.stackexchange to be part of the initial data set.

Default Users.


I don't know why would you want to uninstall such an awesome extension, but if you insist, you have to delete the following files and folders:

and run the following query on your db. Add the table prefix if you have one:

<pre><code> DROP TABLE `easylife_mageoverflow_overflowuser`; DELETE FROM `core_resource` WHERE `code` = 'easylife_mageoverflow_setup'; </code></pre>