


Seamless vim register manipulation in :terminal via terminal-api


:terminal --> Vim: send string to vim register

Then now you can get vimreg command. It can access to vim registers from :terminal buffer.

In :terminal buffer, type

$ echo 'send this text to vim register!' | vimreg

Then your vim's unnamed register has been set to above text.

Also you can specify register name.

$ echo 'send this text to register a!' | vimreg a

vimreg gets text from standard input, so of course you can

$ vimreg

You can use vimreg as tee command using --tee (-t) option. It uses tee instead of cat to receive standard input.

$ vm_stat -c 10 1 | vimreg -t

Note that vimreg sends request(s) to vim after standard input is fully received (it doesn't append input to vim register incrementally). That means, if Ctrl-C was pressed before standard input was closed, vimreg doesn't sets vim register.

$ while :; do echo 'something heavy task ...'; sleep 1; done | vimreg -t
something heavy task ...
something heavy task ...
something heavy task ...
$ # vim register is not updated here!

Vim --> :terminal: get vim register content

vimreg supports --get or -g option. It shows given vim register's content to output. If a register name was not given, the default register name is " (unnamed register).

$ vimreg -g
Hello this is vim unnamed register content.
$ vimreg -g a
this is "a" register content.

And also it can list all vim register contents (same as :registers output).

$ vimreg -l
--- Registers ---
""   --- Registers ---^J""   ^J^J"0       if a:args[1] ==# '--list'^J^J"1   ^J^J"2       if a:args[1] =~# '\v^(-l|--list)$'^J^J"3     local reg='"'^J^J"4     set +x^J^J"5     set -x^J^J"6     set -x^J^J"7  
"0   --- Registers ---^J""   ^J^J"0       if a:args[1] ==# '--list'^J^J"1   ^J^J"2       if a:args[1] =~# '\v^(-l|--list)$'^J^J"3     local reg='"'^J^J"4     set +x^J^J"5     set -x^J^J"6     set -x^J^J"7  
"1   ^J
"2       if a:args[1] =~# '\v^(-l|--list)$'^J
"3     local reg='"'^J
"4     set +x^J
"5     set -x^J
"6     set -x^J
"7       content=^J
"8       printf '\e]51;["call","Tapi_reg",["set",%s,%s]]\x07' \^J        "$(to_json_string "$reg")" "$(to_json_string "$content")"^J
"9   $(to_json_string "$3")
"a   degure
"s   "
"-   $list || 
".   --list
":   call system('clip.exe', execute('registers'))
"%   macros/vimreg.sh
"#   plugin/tapi_reg.vim
"/   --list

Pseudo register support (only in WSL!)

In Windows Subsystem Linux environment, even if has('clipboard') == 0, you can use clipboard registers (+ or *)

$ vimreg +

NOTE: if your vim returns 1 for :echo has('clipboard'), vimreg can also manipulate clipboard registers as usual.