


This library provides cool UI to quickly open a project and file(s). Currently project_guide#open({project directories pattern}) does:

  1. Choose a project (UI is peco)
  2. :tcd {project directory}
  3. If a session file (default: Session.vim) is found and load_session is enabled
    1. Load the session file
  4. If a session file is NOT found
    1. Choose file(s) (UI is peco (+ files) or gof)
    2. :split {file(s)}


Open $GOPATH/src/*/*/*

function! s:gopath_dirs_pattern() abort
  let root_dir = exists('$GOPATH') ? expand('$GOPATH') : expand('$HOME/go')
  let dirs_pattern = root_dir .. '/src/*/*/*'
  return dirs_pattern
" call project_guide#define_command() at VimEnter,
" because project-guide.vim is not loaded yet in your vimrc.
autocmd VimEnter * call project_guide#define_command('Gopath', function('s:gopath_dirs_pattern'))
" Or with custom options
" autocmd VimEnter * call project_guide#define_command('Gopath', function('s:gopath_dirs_pattern'), #{peco_args: ['--select-1'], gof_args: ['-f']})

And project-guide.vim looks up a session file under project directory if load_session == v:true (default: v:true).<br> You can emit the session file to restore window layout, and so on (see :help session-file).

If you want to auto-update Session.vim file in current project every 30 seconds:

autocmd User project-guide-post-tcd let t:vimrc_update_session_constantly = getcwd() . '/Session.vim'
autocmd User project-guide-post-file-open execute 'mksession!' t:vimrc_update_session_constantly
" Execute :mksession! in all tabpages which have t:vimrc_update_session_constantly
function! s:update_session(timer) abort
  if getcmdwintype() !=# ''    " :tabdo raises an error in cmdwin
  let winid = win_getid()
  tabdo if t:->has_key('vimrc_update_session_constantly') | execute 'mksession!' t:vimrc_update_session_constantly | endif
  call win_gotoid(winid)
" Call above function every 30 seconds
function! s:register_update_session() abort
  let sec = 1000
  call timer_start(30 * sec, function('s:update_session'), #{repeat: -1})
call s:register_update_session()

Recommend: By default Vim 'sessionoptions' value, it replaces current all open tabpages after loading a session file.<br> If you want to append a tabpage of selected project, try set sessionoptions-=tabpages in your vimrc.


Choose a project and files to open quickly.

You can specify initial query (:Gopath myproject) (and you can skip choosing a project by specifying #{peco_args: ['--select-1']} when filtered project is only one)

Open multiple files (Ctrl-Z to select).

Complete Ex command arguments (:Gopath <Tab> or :Gopath myproj<Tab>)

See peco and gof page about customizing project / file UI.

Open $VOLTPATH/repos/*/*/* of Volt (Vim plugin manager)

I often open Vim plugin repositories to edit the scripts.

command! VoltRepos call s:volt_repos()
function! s:volt_repos() abort
  let root_dir = exists('$VOLTPATH') ? expand('$VOLTPATH') : expand('$HOME/volt')
  call project_guide#open(root_dir .. '/repos/*/*/*')

And below :Gof and :VoltPlugConf commands are useful to open plugconf files. (this does not use project-guide.vim though :)

command! -nargs=* -complete=dir Gof execute 'terminal ++close gof -t' .. (<q-args> !=# '' ? ' ' .. <q-args> : '')

function! s:volt_plugconf() abort
  let root_dir = exists('$VOLTPATH') ? '$VOLTPATH' : '$HOME/volt'
  return expand(root_dir .. '/plugconf')
execute 'command! VoltPlugConf Gof -d' s:volt_plugconf()

You can use :Gof as file fuzzy finder. This just invokes gof like above screen captures.


project_guide#define_command({cmdname} (string), {dirs_pattern_func} (string or function) [, {options} = {}])

This example generates some functions for :Gopath command.

function! s:gopath_dirs_pattern() abort
  let root_dir = exists('$GOPATH') ? expand('$GOPATH') : expand('$HOME/go')
  let dirs_pattern = root_dir .. '/src/*/*/*'
  return dirs_pattern
call project_guide#define_command('Gopath', function('s:gopath_dirs_pattern'))

You can:

Plumbing functions

project_guide#open({dirs_pattern} [, {options}])

  1. Choose a project (UI is peco)
  2. :tcd {project directory}
  3. Choose file(s) (UI is gof)
  4. :split {file(s)}
{options} = {
  peco_args: <peco additional arguments (List)>,
  gof_args: <gof additional arguments (List)>,

Here is the example to use {options} (peco_args, gof_args).

command! -nargs=* -complete=dir Gopath call s:gopath(<q-args>)
function! s:gopath(query) abort
  let root_dir = exists('$GOPATH') ? expand('$GOPATH') : expand('$HOME/go')
  call project_guide#open(root_dir .. '/src/*/*/*', #{
  \ peco_args: a:query !=# '' ? ['--query', a:query] : [],

Now you can specify initial query to peco (:Gopath myproject).

And more, if you also want to complete Ex command arguments, you can use project_guide#complete().

All available options

peco_argsList<String>Addtional arguments to peco (default: [])
gof_argsList<String>Addtional arguments to gof (default: [])
file_dialog_msgString{what} for popup_dialog({what}, {options}). Used for choosing file(s). if empty({what}) is true, does not show popup (default: 'Choose a file')
file_dialog_optionsSame as {options} of popup_dialog(){options} for popup_dialog({what}, {options}) (default: #{time: 2000})
file_uiStringUse files + peco when value is files+peco. otherwise gof (default: files+peco)
project_dialog_msgStringsame as file_dialog_msg but for choosing a project (default: 'Choose a project')
project_dialog_optionsSame as {options} of popup_dialog()same as file_dialog_options but for choosing a project (default: #{time: 2000})
open_funcFunctionThe function to open the list of file(s) given by arguments (default: function('project_guide#default_open_func'))
load_sessionBooleanLoad session file or not (default: v:true)
session_fileStringSession file name (default: 'Session.vim')

project_guide#default_open_func(path_list, opencmd = 'split')

The default open function to open files in Vim after choosing file(s) by gof.

function! project_guide#default_open_func(path_list, opencmd = 'split') abort
  for path in a:path_list
    execute a:opencmd path

You can specify custom open_func to project_guide#define_command() or project_guide#open() like this.

autocmd VimEnter * call project_guide#define_command('Gopath', function('s:gopath_dirs_pattern'), #{open_func: function('s:my_open_func')})
function! s:my_open_func(path_list) abort
  call project_guide#default_open_func(a:path_list, 'vsplit')

NOTE: You cannot specify lambda to open_func !!! Because string() is used internally.

project_guide#complete({dirs_pattern}, {arglead}, {cmdline}, {pos})

You can create custom completion function using this. Here is the example to do the same thing as project_guide#define_command()'s example (this is simplified code. see project_guide#define_command() for details if you are interested).

command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,s:complete Gopath call s:gopath(<q-args>)

function! s:gopath(query) abort
  call project_guide#open(s:gopath_dirs_pattern(), #{
  \ peco_args: a:query !=# '' ? ['--query', a:query] : [],

function! s:complete(...) abort
  return call('project_guide#complete', [s:gopath_dirs_pattern()] + a:000)

function! s:gopath_dirs_pattern() abort
  let root_dir = exists('$GOPATH') ? expand('$GOPATH') : expand('$HOME/go')
  let dirs_pattern = root_dir .. '/src/*/*/*'
  return dirs_pattern