

Typings Registry

The registry of type definitions for TypeScript.


As package author

You can create typings and distribute them with your NPM package. Check out how we can collaborate (if you need help) in this issue. The TypeScript team gives some additional help in their handbook, which entails creating a definition in external module format and linking to it from package.json. Feel free to ask questions!

Ask the author

You can open an issue in the package's repository and ask if they'd be interested in providing a TypeScript definition for their users. If they are, you can link them to this issue on collaborating, in case they need a hand getting started.

Contribute yourself

  1. Fork the registry and run npm install
  2. Write a typings definition and upload to GitHub - here's an example using NPM's debug package
  3. Use semver to specify the minimum version the typings are valid for in the registry - here's debug again
  4. Commit and run npm test to check that the registry is valid, make a pull request
  5. Once the pull request is merged, it will be used as the canonical reference - typings install debug


Creating Typings


The registry uses subdirectories to denote "sources". These sources are essentially mappings to package managers, and contain either ambient or external module typings (depending on the "source").


Where "source" is one of:

And "name" is the name of the package from the source. For GitHub and scoped NPM packages, it's valid to make a folder such as @example/entry.json. The schema for package files is described using JSON schema in schema.json.


For typings issues, questions or general help, you can always open an issue in the discussions repo. To add an entry to the registry, please open a pull request with the change.