

Chromium Tabs

Chromium Tabs is a Cocoa framework for building applications that works like Chromium's window system.

Important: This is currently work in progress and the framework API will change often.

Requirements: OS X 10.5 or later.


The framework is distributed with an @rpath which means it should be embedded into your applications' Contents/Frameworks directory. In Xcode you can add a new "Copy Files" action with the "Frameworks" destination to your target.

As an alternative, with Xcode4, you can create a new workspace which includes your project and chromium-tabs.xcodeproj. Once this is done, ChromiumTabs.framework will be available for linking like any other built-in library.

Then you need to do at least two things:

  1. #import <ChromiumTabs/ChromiumTabs.h>
  2. [[CTBrowser browser] newWindow] when your application has started (e.g. in the application delegates' applicationDidFinishLaunching:)

The example application (in examples/simple-app/) illustrates basic usage and likes to be inspected while you drink coffee. It looks like this:

<img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4082/4927836567_7b9f577af4_o.png" alt="A slightly boring screenshot of the example application">

When building a "real" application you will need to sublcass at least the CTBrowser class which factorises tabs and their content. The example application do this at a very basic level (provides custom tab content).


Visit the download section on GitHub to download the latest release of the framework and the example application.


  1. Check out (or download) the source code
  2. Open chromium-tabs.xcodeproj in Xcode
  3. Choose your target and hit "Build"

There is also an optional example application in the Xcode project. You build it by selecting the "Chromium Tabs" target.


See the LICENSE file for details.