


Flotilla is a work-in-progress tool for testing message queues in more realistic environments. Many benchmarks only measure performance characteristics on a single machine, sometimes with producers and consumers in the same process even. The reality is this information is marginally useful, if at all, and often deceiving. This blog post provides some more background on the motivation behind this project.

Testing anything at scale can be difficult to achieve in practice. It generally takes a lot of resources and often requires ad hoc solutions. Flotilla attempts to provide automated orchestration for benchmarking message queues in scaled-up configurations. Simply put, we can benchmark a message broker with arbitrarily many producers and consumers distributed across arbitrarily many machines with a single command.

flotilla-client \
    --broker=kafka \
    --host= \
    --peer-hosts=localhost:9500,,, \
    --producers=5 \
    --consumers=3 \

In addition to simulating more realistic testing scenarios, Flotilla also tries to offer more statistically meaningful results in the benchmarking itself. It relies on HDR Histogram (or rather a Go variant of it) which supports recording and analyzing sampled data value counts at extremely low latencies. See the "Caveats" section below for potential benchmarking issues and areas for improvement.

Flotilla supports several message brokers out of the box:


Flotilla consists of two binaries: the server daemon and client. The daemon runs on any machines you wish to include in your tests. The client orchestrates and executes the tests. Note that the daemon makes use of Docker for running many of the brokers, so it must be installed on the host machine. If you're running OSX, use boot2docker.

To install the daemon, run:

$ go get github.com/tylertreat/flotilla/flotilla-server

To install the client, run:

$ go get github.com/tylertreat/flotilla/flotilla-client


Ensure the daemon is running on any machines you wish Flotilla to communicate with:

$ flotilla-server
Flotilla daemon started on port 9500...

Local Configuration

Flotilla can be run locally to perform benchmarks on a single machine. First, start the daemon with flotilla-server. Next, run a benchmark using the client:

$ flotilla-client --broker=rabbitmq

Flotilla will run everything on localhost.

Distributed Configuration

With all daemons started, run a benchmark using the client and provide the peers you wish to communicate with:

$ flotilla-client --broker=rabbitmq --host=<ip> --peer-hosts=<list of ips>

For full usage details, run:

$ flotilla-client --help

Running on OSX

Flotilla starts most brokers using a Docker container. This can be achieved on OSX using boot2docker, which runs the container in a VM. The daemon needs to know the address of the VM. This can be provided from the client using the --docker-host flag, which specifies the host machine (or VM, in this case) the broker will run on.

$ flotilla-client --broker=rabbitmq --docker-host=$(boot2docker ip)
