

OTP Translator

CLI and library for translating OTP (One-time-password) archives between different OTP apps.

Supported OTP apps

AegisSupports translating the unencrypted json file.
2FASSupports translating the unencrypted json file. 2FAS has its own importer tool, so you may not need this. :)
Raivo𐃉Supports translating the encrypted json file inside the encrypted ZIP archive.

𐃉NOTE: I no longer use/recommend Raivo OTP. It seems they were bought out by some shady characters. (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40523412).


Currently, icons are not included in the archive translation. Each app uses a unique approach, so we'll have to noodle on this one for a while.


First, build the solution in Visual Studio or JetBrains Rider.

Aegis --> Raivo./otpt -f aegis -t raivo -s ./plain-aegis-export.json
Raivo --> Aegis./otpt -f raivo -t aegis -s ./plain-raivo-export.json
Raivo --> 2FAS./otpt -f raivo -t twofas -s ./plain-raivo-export.json

Encryption notes

Make sure you handle those unencrypted archives properly. Eventually, it would be good to support encrypted archives, to avoid exposing plain text TOTP codes on the transport medium.