



Generate Go structs from multiple JSON or YAML objects.

What does go-jsonstruct do and why should I use it?

go-jsonstruct generates Go structs from multiple JSON or YAML objects. Existing Go struct generators such as json-to-go and json2struct take only a single JSON object as input. go-jsonstruct takes multiple objects as input and generates the most specific Go struct possible into which all the input objects can be unmarshalled.

This is useful if you have a collection of JSON objects, where no single object has all properties present, and you want to unmarshal those JSON objects into a Go program. Example collections include:

How do I use go-jsonstruct?

Install go-jsonstruct:

go install github.com/twpayne/go-jsonstruct/v3/cmd/gojsonstruct@latest

Feed it some JSON objects. For example you can feed it with

  "age": 37,
  "user_height_m": 2

  "age": 38,
  "user_height_m": 1.7,
  "favoriteFoods": [

by running

echo '{"age":37,"user_height_m":2}' \
    '{"age":38,"user_height_m":1.7,"favoriteFoods":["cake"]}' \
    | gojsonstruct

This will output:

package main

type T struct {
    Age           int      `json:"age"`
    FavoriteFoods []string `json:"favoriteFoods,omitempty"`
    UserHeightM   float64  `json:"user_height_m"`

This example demonstrates:

go-jsonstruct recursively handles nested array elements and objects. For example, given the following three JSON objects input:

  "nested": {
    "bar": true,
    "foo": "baz"

  "nested": {
    "bar": false,
    "foo": null

  "nested": {
    "bar": true,
    "foo": ""

which you can try by running

echo '{"nested":{"bar":true,"foo":"baz"}}' \
    '{"nested":{"bar":false,"foo":null}}' \
    '{"nested":{"bar":true,"foo":""}}' \
    | gojsonstruct --package-name mypackage --typename MyType

generates the output

package mypackage

type MyType struct {
    Nested struct {
        Bar bool    `json:"bar"`
        Foo *string `json:"foo"`
    } `json:"nested"`

This demonstrates:

You can feed it your own data via the standard input, for example if you have a file with one JSON object per line in objects.json you can run:

gojsonstruct < objects.json

To learn about more about the available options, run:

gojsonstruct --help

YAML support

For YAML files, pass the --format=yaml flag, for example:

$ gojsonstruct --format=yaml *.yaml

gojsonstruct will analyze all passed YAML files and generate a Go struct with yaml:"..." struct tags.

What are go-jsonstruct's key features?

How does go-jsonstruct work?

go-jsonstruct consists of two phases: observation and code generation.

Firstly, in the observation phase, go-jsonstruct explores all the input objects and records statistics on what types are observed in each part. It recurses into objects and iterates over arrays.

Secondly, in the code generation phase, go-jsonstruct inspects the gathered statistics and determines the strictest possible Go type that can represent all the observed values. For example, the values 0 and 1 can be represented as an int, the values 0, 1, and 2.2 require a float64, and true, 3.3, and "name" require an any.
