


PkgGoDev Go Report Card

Package geom implements efficient geometry types for geospatial applications.

Key features


Detailed features

Geometry types

Encoding and decoding

Geometry functions

Protection against malicious or malformed inputs

The WKB and EWKB formats encode geometry sizes, and memory is allocated for those geometries. If the input is malicious or malformed, the memory allocation can be very large, leading to a memory starvation denial-of-service attack against the server. For example, a client might send a MultiPoint with header indicating that it contains 2^32-1 points. This will result in the server reading that geometry to allocate 2 × sizeof(float64) × (2^32-1) = 64GB of memory to store those points. By default, malicious or malformed input protection is disabled, but can be enabled by setting positive values for wkbcommon.MaxGeometryElements.

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