torch-twrl: Reinforcement Learning in Torch
torch-twrl is an RL framework built in Lua/Torch by Twitter.
Install torch
git clone ~/torch --recursive
cd ~/torch; bash install-deps;
Install torch-twrl
git clone --recursive
cd torch-twrl
luarocks make
Want to play in the gym?
Start a virtual environment, not necessary but it helps keep your installation clean
Download and install OpenAI Gym, gym-http-api requirements, and ffmpeg
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install gym
pip install -r src/gym-http-api/requirements.txt
brew install ffmpeg
Works so far?
You should have everything you need:
- Start your gym_http_server with
python src/gym-http-api/
- In a new console window (or tab), run the example script (policy gradient agent in environment CartPole-v0)
cd examples
chmod u+x
This script sets parameters for the experiment, in detail here is what it is calling:
th run.lua \
-env 'CartPole-v0' \
-policy categorical \
-learningUpdate reinforce \
-model mlp \
-optimAlpha 0.9 \
-timestepsPerBatch 1000 \
-stepsizeStart 0.3 \
-gamma 1 \
-nHiddenLayerSize 10 \
-gradClip 5 \
-baselineType padTimeDepAvReturn \
-beta 0.01 \
-weightDecay 0 \
-windowSize 10 \
-nSteps 1000 \
-nIterations 1000 \
-video 100 \
-optimType rmsprop \
-verboseUpdate true \
-uploadResults false \
-renderAllSteps false
Your results should look something our results from the OpenAI Gym leaderboard
Doesn't work?
- Test the gym-http-api
cd /src/gym-http-api/
- Start a Gym HTTP server in your virtual environment
python src/gym-http-api/
- In a new console window (or tab), run torch-twrl tests
luarocks make; th test/test.lua
Testing of RL development is a tricky endeavor, it requires well established, unified, baselines and a large community of active developers. The OpenAI Gym provides a great set of example environments for this purpose. Link:
The OpenAI Gym is written in python and it expects algorithms which interact with its various environments to be as well. torch-twrl is compatible with the OpenAI Gym with the use of a Gym HTTP API from OpenAI; gym-http-api is a submodule of torch-twrl.
All Lua dependencies should be installed on your first build.
Note: if you make changes, you will need to recompile with
luarocks make
torch-twrl implements several agents, they are located in src/agents. Agents are defined by a model, policy, and learning update.
- Random
- model: noModel
- policy: random
- learningUpdate: noLearning
- TD(Lambda)
- model: qFunction
- policy: egreedy
- learningUpdate: tdLambda - implements temporal difference (Q-learning or SARSA) learning with eligibility traces (replacing or accumulating)
- Policy Gradient Williams, 1992:
- model: mlp - multilayer perceptron, final layeer: tanh for continuous, softmax for discrete
- policy: stochasticModelPolicy, normal for continuous actions, categorical for discrete
- learningUpdate: reinforce
Important note about agent/environment compatibility:
The OpenAI Gym has many environments and is continuously growing. Some agents may be compatible with only a subset of environments. That is, an agent built for continuous action space environments may not work if the environment expects discrete action spaces.
Here is a useful table of the environments, with details on the different variables that may help to configure agents appropriately.
Testing details:
Continuous integration is accomplished by building with Travis. Testing is done with LUAJIT21, LUA51 and LUA52 with compilers gcc and clang.
Tests are defined in the /tests directory with separate basic unit tests set and a Gym integration test set.
Known Issues:
- LUA52 and libhash not working, so tilecoding examples fail in LUA52.
Future Work
- Automatic policy differentiation with Autograd
- Parallel batch sampling
- Additional baselines for advantage function computation
- Cross Entropy Method (CEM)
- Deep Q Learning (DQN)
- Double DQN
- Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C)
- Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG)
- Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO)
- Expected-SARSA
- True Online-TD
- Boyan, J., & Moore, A. W. (1995). Generalization in reinforcement learning: Safely approximating the value function. Advances in neural information processing systems, 369-376.
- Sutton, R. S. (1988). Learning to predict by the methods of temporal differences. Machine learning, 3(1), 9-44.
- Singh, S. P., & Sutton, R. S. (1996). Reinforcement learning with replacing eligibility traces. Machine learning, 22(1-3), 123-158.
- Barto, A. G., Sutton, R. S., & Anderson, C. W. (1983). Neuronlike adaptive elements that can solve difficult learning control problems. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on, (5), 834-846.
- Sutton, Richard S., and Andrew G. Barto. Reinforcement learning: An introduction. Vol. 1. No. 1. Cambridge: MIT press, 1998.
- Williams, Ronald J. "Simple statistical gradient-following algorithms for connectionist reinforcement learning." Machine learning 8.3-4 (1992): 229-256.
torch-twrl is released under the MIT License. Copyright (c) 2016 Twitter, Inc.