


VPN server/client for the rest of us.

Authors note: Subnet works but lacks thorough review, and hits performance limits over ~100Mbps. I strongly recommend Wireguard instead for real deployments.


subnet establishes a TLS connection to the server. A TUN interface is created, and setup with the given network parameters (local IP, subnet). All traffic that matches the localIP + subnet gets routed to the VPN server.

On the server, all traffic which is received is checked against all client's localIPs. If it matches, it goes down there. If it doesn't, it gets routed to the servers TUN device (to its network). If the server's kernel is configured correctly, packets coming back into the TUN device will be NATed, and hence can be routed correctly. They then get routed back to the correct client.

Use cases

Tunnel all non-LAN traffic through another box on the internet (traditional VPN).

Setup the server:

export GOPATH=`pwd` #set your GOPATH where you want the build to happen
go get -u github.com/twitchyliquid64/subnet
sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE
./bin/subnet --mode init-server-certs --cert server.certPEM --key server.keyPEM --ca ca.certPEM --ca_key ca.keyPEM
./bin/subnet --mode server --key server.keyPEM --cert server.certPEM --ca ca.certPEM --network

Setup the client:

First, generate a certificate/key pair for each client, by running this on the server:

./bin/subnet --mode make-client-cert --ca ca.certPEM --ca_key ca.keyPEM client.certPEM client.keyPEM

Then, transfer client.certPEM, client.keyPEM and ca.certPEM to your client.

Now, run this on the client:

export GOPATH=`pwd` #set your GOPATH where you want the build to happen
go get -u github.com/twitchyliquid64/subnet
sudo ./bin/subnet -gw -network -cert client.certPEM -key client.keyPEM -ca ca.certPEM <server address>

#If you are on Mac OSX (replace 'Wi-Fi' with your interface):
networksetup -setdnsservers Wi-Fi


Make a remote LAN accessible on your machine.

Setup the server (linux only):

export GOPATH=`pwd` #set your GOPATH where you want the build to happen
go get -u github.com/twitchyliquid64/subnet
sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE
./bin/subnet --mode init-server-certs --cert server.certPEM --key server.keyPEM --ca ca.certPEM --ca_key ca.keyPEM
./bin/subnet --mode server --key server.keyPEM --cert server.certPEM --ca ca.certPEM --network

Setup the client:

First, generate a certificate/key pair for each client, by running this on the server:

./bin/subnet --mode make-client-cert --ca ca.certPEM --ca_key ca.keyPEM client.certPEM client.keyPEM

Then, transfer client.certPEM, client.keyPEM and ca.certPEM to your client.

Now, run this on the client:

export GOPATH=`pwd` #set your GOPATH where you want the build to happen
go get -u github.com/twitchyliquid64/subnet
sudo ./bin/subnet -network -cert client.certPEM -key client.keyPEM -ca ca.certPEM <server address>



Usage of ./subnet:
./subnet <server address>
    	Enable block profiling
  -ca string
    	Path to PEM-encoded cert to validate client/serv
  -ca_key string
    	Path to PEM-encoded key to use generating certificates
  -cert string
    	Path to PEM-encoded cert for our side of the connection
    	Enable CPU profiling
  -gw string
    	(Client only) Set the default gateway to this value
  -i string
    	TUN interface, one is picked if not specified
  -key string
    	Path to PEM-encoded key for our cert
  -mode string
    	Whether the process starts a server or as a client (default "client")
  -network string
    	Address for this interface with netmask (default "")
  -port string
    	Port for the VPN connection (default "3234")