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C# port of Google's libphonenumber library.

The code was rewritten from the Java source mostly unchanged, please refer to the original documentation for sample code and API documentation.

The original Apache License 2.0 was preserved.

See this for details about the port.

Phone number metadata is updated in the Google repo approximately every two weeks. This library is automatically updated by a scheduled github action to include the latest metadata, usually within a day.


Run the following command to add this library to your project

dotnet add package libphonenumber-csharp

Available on NuGet as package libphonenumber-csharp.


Parsing a phone number

using PhoneNumbers;

var phoneNumberUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance();
var e164PhoneNumber = "+44 117 496 0123";
var nationalPhoneNumber = "2024561111";
var smsShortNumber = "83835";
var phoneNumber = phoneNumberUtil.Parse(e164PhoneNumber, null);
phoneNumber = phoneNumberUtil.Parse(nationalPhoneNumber, "US");
phoneNumber = phoneNumberUtil.Parse(smsShortNumber, "US");

Formatting a phone number

using PhoneNumbers;

var phoneNumberUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance();
var phoneNumber = phoneNumberUtil.Parse("+14156667777", "US");
var formattedPhoneNumber = phoneNumberUtil.Format(phoneNumber, PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL);
var formattedPhoneNumberNational = phoneNumberUtil.Format(phoneNumber, PhoneNumberFormat.NATIONAL);

Console.WriteLine(formattedPhoneNumber.ToString()); // +1 415-666-7777
Console.WriteLine(formattedPhoneNumberNational.ToString()); // (415) 666-7777

Check if a phone number is valid

using PhoneNumbers;

var phoneNumberUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance();
var phoneNumber = phoneNumberUtil.Parse("+14156667777", "US");
var isValid = phoneNumberUtil.IsValidNumber(phoneNumber);

Console.WriteLine(isValid); // true

Get the type of a phone number

using PhoneNumbers;

var phoneNumberUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance();
var phoneNumber = phoneNumberUtil.Parse("+14156667777", "US");
var numberType = phoneNumberUtil.GetNumberType(phoneNumber);

Console.WriteLine(numberType); // PhoneNumberType.FIXED_LINE_OR_MOBILE

See PhoneNumberType.cs for the various possible types of phone numbers

Get the region code for a phone number

using PhoneNumbers;

var phoneNumberUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance();
var phoneNumber = phoneNumberUtil.Parse("+14156667777", null);
var regionCode = phoneNumberUtil.GetRegionCodeForNumber(phoneNumber);

Console.WriteLine(regionCode); // US


See PhoneNumberUtil.cs for the various methods and properties available.


How to unfold automatic generated files

Running tests locally

To run tests locally, you will need a zip version of the geocoding.zip file stored in the resources folder and testgeocoding.zip file stored in the resources/test folder.

On linux, you can run the following commands to generate the zip accordingly

(cd resources/geocoding; zip -r ../../resources/geocoding.zip *)
(cd resources/test/geocoding; zip -r ../../../resources/test/testgeocoding.zip *)

For windows, you can use the following powershell script

Compress-Archive -Path "resources\geocoding\*" -DestinationPath "resources\geocoding.zip"
Compress-Archive -Path "resources\test\geocoding\*" -DestinationPath "resources\test\testgeocoding.zip"




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