

Hello, World

<img src='https://x.tw93.fun/images/hi.gif' alt='Hi' width="20"/> Hi, I'm Tw93, a Frontend Engineer from China, also dabbling a bit in Swift, Rust, Python, and Sketch. I'm the creator of MiaoYan, Pake, Trendy Weekly, XRender, and WeexUi. Believing in long-termism, I am passionate about open source and enjoy experimenting with new ideas. The content below is automatically updated via <a href="https://github.com/tw93/tw93/actions" target="_blank">Actions</a>:

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🏊‍♂️ Weekly Development Breakdown

<picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://x.tw93.fun/images/wakatime_weekly_language_stats_black.svg"> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="https://x.tw93.fun/images/wakatime_weekly_language_stats.svg"> <img src="https://x.tw93.fun/images/wakatime_weekly_language_stats.svg"> </picture> </td> <td valign="top" width="50%">

🪂 <a href="https://github.com/tw93/tw93/blob/master/releases.md" target="_blank">Product Releases</a>

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🤾‍♂️ <a href="https://tw93.fun" target="_blank">Recent Blog</a>

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🩴 <a href="https://weekly.tw93.fun" target="_blank">Trend Weekly</a>

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