

First public release !

Our first app, a free augmented reality game, is now available on the play store ! Download

Beta Test V3.3

The betat 3.3 is out ! Join the Community and download the application!


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A terrible attempt at making a trailer

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Chase Whisply banner ChaseWhisplyProject

Chase Whisply is an "augmented reality" FPS. You have to seek, find and kill the ghosts living around you.

Chase Whisply screenshot

In Game

Chase Whisply screenshot

Credits and License

Credits go to Thomas Barthélémy https://github.com/tbarthel-fr and Vincent Barthélémy https://github.com/vbarthel-fr.

Licensed under the Beerware License:

<pre> You can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy us a beer (or basically anything else) in return. </pre>

Special Thanks to ...

Thomas Keunebroek https://github.com/tkeunebr , for his early day support and precious advice.