


Build Status GoDoc

Package gocql implements a fast and robust Cassandra client for the Go programming language.

Project Website: http://gocql.github.io/<br> API documentation: http://godoc.org/github.com/gocql/gocql<br> Discussions: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/gocql

Supported Versions

The following matrix shows the versions of Go and Cassandra that are tested with the integration test suite as part of the CI build:



go get github.com/gocql/gocql


Please visit the Roadmap page to see what is on the horizion.

Important Default Keyspace Changes

gocql no longer supports executing "use <keyspace>" statements to simplfy the library. The user still has the ability to define the default keyspace for connections but now the keyspace can only be defined before a session is created. Queries can still access keyspaces by indicating the keyspace in the query:

SELECT * FROM example2.table;

Example of correct usage:

	cluster := gocql.NewCluster("", "", "")
	cluster.Keyspace = "example"
	session, err := cluster.CreateSession()

Example of incorrect usage:

	cluster := gocql.NewCluster("", "", "")
	cluster.Keyspace = "example"
	session, err := cluster.CreateSession()

	if err = session.Query("use example2").Exec(); err != nil {

This will result in an err being returned from the session.Query line as the user is trying to execute a "use" statement.


/* Before you execute the program, Launch `cqlsh` and execute:
create keyspace example with replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 };
create table example.tweet(timeline text, id UUID, text text, PRIMARY KEY(id));
create index on example.tweet(timeline);
package main

import (


func main() {
	// connect to the cluster
	cluster := gocql.NewCluster("", "", "")
	cluster.Keyspace = "example"
	cluster.Consistency = gocql.Quorum
	session, _ := cluster.CreateSession()
	defer session.Close()

	// insert a tweet
	if err := session.Query(`INSERT INTO tweet (timeline, id, text) VALUES (?, ?, ?)`,
		"me", gocql.TimeUUID(), "hello world").Exec(); err != nil {

	var id gocql.UUID
	var text string

	/* Search for a specific set of records whose 'timeline' column matches
	 * the value 'me'. The secondary index that we created earlier will be
	 * used for optimizing the search */
	if err := session.Query(`SELECT id, text FROM tweet WHERE timeline = ? LIMIT 1`,
		"me").Consistency(gocql.One).Scan(&id, &text); err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Tweet:", id, text)

	// list all tweets
	iter := session.Query(`SELECT id, text FROM tweet WHERE timeline = ?`, "me").Iter()
	for iter.Scan(&id, &text) {
		fmt.Println("Tweet:", id, text)
	if err := iter.Close(); err != nil {

Data Binding

There are various ways to bind application level data structures to CQL statements:

Other Projects


Copyright (c) 2012-2014 The gocql Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.