


🎉🎉🎉🎉 Use same logger for both Browser and Node with zero config out of the box 🎉🎉🎉🎉

Configurable browser and node logger with same API, high-console can be used for logging purposes in a pleasant way and status reporting. It supports colored messages out of the box.


High Console

Quickstart - npm

npm install high-console

Or using yarn

yarn add high-console

Then require it in your module ...

var debug = require('high-console').debug;

OR using ES6 imports

import { debug, error, HighConsole } from 'high-console';



import { debug, error, success, warn } from 'high-console';

debug('Message to Debug', {userId: '1234Abdsksk'});
error('Error Message', {userId: '1234Abdsksk'});
success('Success Message', {userId: '1234Abdsksk'});
warn('Warn Message', {userId: '1234Abdsksk'});

Disabled on production

// project entry file

import { HighConsole } from 'high-console';

new HighConsole({ enabled: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' });

Global Config

config = { 
  upperCase: true, // uppercase the message to the logger
  enableLabel: true, // Enable the labels (⚠, ✔)
  enabled: true // enable logging to the console

new HighConsole(config);