


Provides an <ASCIImage /> component for React Native, powered by the excellent ASCIImage by @cparnot. It allows you to generate and insert images into your react-native app using ASCII art to describe the images (useful for small icons in UI elements).

Only iOS is currently supported.


  1. Run npm install react-native-asciimage --save
  2. Open your project in XCode, right click on Libraries and click Add Files to "Your Project Name" then choose the RNASCIImage.xcodeproj.
  3. Add libRNASCIImage.a to Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries.
  4. var ASCIImage = require('react-native-asciimage');
  5. Use the <ASCIImage/> element wherever you want to insert an image described by the ascii prop and optional color prop.


'use strict';

var React = require('react-native');
var ASCIImage = require('react-native-asciimage');
var { AppRegistry, View, Text } = React;

var myImage = [
  '· · · 1 2 · · · · · ',
  '· · · A # # · · · · ',
  '· · · · # # # · · · ',
  '· · · · · # # # · · ',
  '· · · · · · 9 # 3 · ',
  '· · · · · · 8 # 4 · ',
  '· · · · · # # # · · ',
  '· · · · # # # · · · ',
  '· · · 7 # # · · · · ',
  '· · · 6 5 · · · · · '

var App = React.createClass({

  render: function() {
    return (
          ASCIImage Example:
        <ASCIImage ascii={myImage} />


AppRegistry.registerComponent('App', () => App);


<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/turley/react-native-asciimage/master/example.png" height="27" alt="Example Result" />

Alternate Usage

In some situations it's useful to work with an image URI rather than an Image component (e.g., for use in TabBarIOS.Item or NavigatorIOS). To generate a (local) image URI, do the following:

var ASCIImage = require('react-native-asciimage');
var ASCIImageWriter = ASCIImage.Writer;

ASCIImageWriter.createImageFromASCII(myImage, '#ffffff', 40, function(imageURI) {
  // Use the imageURI wherever it's needed

This will create an image saved in your application's Caches directory for the specified color (example: #ffffff) and width (example: 40). It will automatically generate standard, @2x, and @3x sizes of the image, and will use cached images when they exist.

For advanced options (which would normally be passed in via the contextOptions prop), you can use the expanded form:

var options = [
  { fillColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", lineWidth: 5 }, // First shape
  { fillColor: "#0000ff" } // Second shape

ASCIImageWriter.createImageFromASCIIWithOptions(myImage, '#ffffff', 40, options, function(imageURI) {


The following props are used:


Available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more informatiion.

ASCIImage (redistributed here) is also MIT licensed by Charles Parnot