Standard Firmata - Networking
Deploy Standard Firamta which uses a networking stream instead of the serial port.
Option 1: (Best for unix/mac)
Install PlatformIO
git clone
git submodule init
Customize the WiFi sketch as necessary to specify your SSID and encryption type, if necessary.
Build and upload to your device
platformio run --target upload
Option 2: (Best for Windows)
git clone --recursive
- Copy the "EthernetStream" and "WiFiStream" folders from \lib\ to your Arduino libraries directory. This is usually
- Run the appropriate sketch in the Arduino IDE.
- Customize the WiFi sketch as necessary to specify your SSID and encryption type, if necessary.
- Upload to your device.
Adding additional boards
Currently, the build supports the Arduino Uno. If you'd like to add additional board targets, see the PlatformIO docs and add add your board.