A Fork of Robocode for python programming
I found this project on sourceforge I didn't seen any commit since 2012, so I have decided to develop it. Any help would be welcome!
A new version is comming soon! (check the PyQt Branch in beta for more information)
####Need help to start? watch the python-robocode wiki
######What's New & Task list:
- getTargetPosition()
- getTargetName()
- bulletPower
- on_hit_by_bullet()
- bulletSize
- WallCollision
- MapSize
- Number_Of_Enmies_Left()
- GameSpeed
- on_Robot_Exit()
- Battle Series
- Batlles Statistics
- .exe
- .deb
- Qt IDE (syntax highlighter, auto completion, Base Robot)
######Thanks to the original developers:
Michael Macdonald
Neil Morrison
Maksat Tulepov
Tim Storer
Andrew Downs
Stuart Glendinning