

rename-function npmjs.com The MIT License

Rename a given function. Tries to be cross-platform and guaranteed. Useful when you want to preserve name of bound function. In bonus, allows passing context to the renamed function.

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How it works? Strategy. Name priority.

There's a couple of things that you should be aware off and make your attention, few scenarios - you can do few things with package like this - rename function, binding function with context and both together.

Meaning, this package try to follow native behaviours. Because you can't do such thing

function zooparks () { return this }

var boundOne = renameFunction(zooparks, {foo: 'one'})
var boundTwo = renameFunction(boundOne, {foo: 'two'})
var boundZzz = renameFunction(boundTwo, {foo: 'zzz'})

console.log(boundZzz()) // => {foo: 'one'}

and expect boundZzz() to return {foo: 'zzz'}, it would be {foo: 'one'} always. It's still a bit strange even to me, because of use the thing that I call "smart binding" with which I tried to solve this problem and will continue. Kinda strange, when debugging it seems it shows expected results. But in other hand that's the native behaviour, see this one:

function zooparks () { return this }

var boundOne = zooparks.bind({foo: 'one'})
var boundTwo = boundOne.bind({foo: 'two'})
var boundZzz = boundTwo.bind({foo: 'zzz'})

console.log(boundZzz()) // => {foo: 'one'}


For more use-cases see the tests

const renameFunction = require('rename-function')


Rename given fn with name. If given name is same as old, then the fn is just returned earlier, nothing more is done.



var rename = require('rename-function')
var getName = require('get-fn-name')

var fn = rename(fixture () {}, 'abc')

console.log(getName(fn)) // => 'abc'
console.log(fn.name) // => 'abc'

// passing context
var bound = rename(fixture foo () { return this }, 'zoo', {a: 'b'})
console.log(bound()) // => {a: 'b'}
console.log(bound.name) // => 'zoo'
console.log(getName(bound)) // => 'zoo'



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But before doing anything, please read the CONTRIBUTING.md guidelines.

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