


Fancy Gif

Getting Started

Add the plugin (pub coming soon):

  fancy_bottom_navigation: ^0.3.2


For now this is limited to more than 1 tab, and less than 5. So 2-4 tabs.

Basic Usage

Adding the widget

bottomNavigationBar: FancyBottomNavigation(
    tabs: [
        TabData(iconData: Icons.home, title: "Home"),
        TabData(iconData: Icons.search, title: "Search"),
        TabData(iconData: Icons.shopping_cart, title: "Basket")
    onTabChangedListener: (position) {
        setState(() {
        currentPage = position;


iconData -> Icon to be used for the tab<br/> title -> String to be used for the tab<br/> onClick -> Optional function to be used when the circle itself is clicked, on an active tab



tabs -> List of TabData objects<br/> onTabChangedListener -> Function to handle a tap on a tab, receives int position


initialSelection -> Defaults to 0<br/> circleColor -> Defaults to null, derives from Theme<br/> activeIconColor -> Defaults to null, derives from Theme<br/> inactiveIconColor -> Defaults to null, derives from Theme<br/> textColor -> Defaults to null, derives from Theme<br/> barBackgroundColor -> Defaults to null, derives from Theme<br/> key -> Defaults to null<br/>


The bar will attempt to use your current theme out of the box, however you may want to theme it. Here are the attributes:

Fancy Theming

Programmatic Selection

To select a tab programmatically you will need to assign a GlobalKey to the widget. When you want to change tabs you will need to access the State using this key, and then call setPage(position).<br/> See example project, main.dart, line 75 for an example.


Using this package in a live app, let me know and I'll add you app here.


This package was inspired by a design on dribbble by Manoj Rajput:<br/> https://dribbble.com/shots/5419022-Tab


Contributions are welcome, please submit a PR :)