


tuatec's toolbox is a collection of helper scripts that can speed up your character integration process a lot. To tackle the most rare or complex use cases Advanced Locomotion System (ALS) was used to develop the scripts.

If you ever tried to integrate a custom character you might now already how easily the systems of ALS can break. Sadly we currently don't have a lot of tooling or helpers to show us the potential errors. This is where TTToolbox should join your table and help getting your character working.

If you want to know how the inital development started or want to know how the scripts work, you should follow the series ALS Secrets - UE5 Manny Integration + Git Workflow.

Here is a user focused video series that shows how to use TTToolbox during the task of Paragon TwinBlast retargeting. The Truth of Retargeting in UE5 - Paragon TwinBlast

How to Build TTToolbox

It's still very early for TTToolbox and this part is not yet covered within the series, ALS Secrets - UE5 Manny Integration + Git Workflow. But will be covered soon, at first we need to get the packaging work. ;-)

How to Contribute to TTToolbox

You can open pull requests at any time with your changes. Then we will see how we can integrate them properly into TTToolbox.

In case you found issues, please raise an issue here.

In case you want to drop a feature, maybe consider to have a look at first for the existing ones and vote with a thumbs up.

If you want to start a discussion about a specific topic, do not hesitate to do so in discussions.

Bugfixes are very welcome and will be reviewed as soon as possible.